Punjab assembly election 2022-Ignoring the ground water depletion problem
Red Book
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Election are around the corner and Punjab is one of the states going for the elections. 

However, like every other election there is lack of concern and debate on some of the urgent issues of Punjab like the Ground water depletion. 

What it is the magnitude of this problem? 

Groundwater depletion in Punjab has been a growing concern. The groundwater level in most parts of the state has fallen to a dangerous level.   

Why Punjab is facing severe Ground water depletion? 

Government under the Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961) shifted the focus from agriculture to the industrial sector, leading to a severe shortage of food grains in India. Due to this country had to resort to import of food grains from the United States.  

To overcome this crisis Government introduced ‘The New Agricultural Technology’. This technology was a package of high yielding variety seeds, assured irrigation, chemical fertilisers, and modern agricultural practices. The essence of this technology was commercial in nature. Government introduced it in Punjab on priority. 

What was the effect of this new technology on Punjab’s Ground water levels? 

Prior to the adoption of ‘The New Agricultural Technology’ in Punjab, irrigation was done with canals and wells and there was no serious problem with groundwater levels. 

But after the introduction of this technology there was a huge increase in the number of tube wells. In 1961, the number of tube wells in Punjab was only 7,445. This has risen to around 1.5 million in 2021 mainly due to the adoption of this technology. This led to the continuous fall in the groundwater level in most of the development blocks of the state. 

How this also negatively affects farmers? 

Increasing debt– After the adoption of the ‘New Agricultural Technology’, irrigation was done with diesel engines, and mono block motors. But due to a continuous fall in groundwater level, the farmers were forced to bring in submersible motors, which is one of the reasons for their increasing debt. 

This along with high cost of diesel (that goes into running these motors through tractors due to insufficient supply of electricity) have made agriculture a loss-making occupation. 

What is the way forward? 

Government should promote alternative crops suitable to state’s agro-climatic conditions by fixing remunerative prices for them.   

The canal irrigation system should be streamlined and water in the rivers of Punjab distributed in accordance with ‘The Riparian Principle’. 

Note- Under the riparian principle, all landowners whose properties adjoin a body of water have the right to make reasonable use of it as it flows through or over their properties. 

Wastage and misuse of groundwater in industrial units and residential areas in cities and villages must be stopped immediately. 

Farmers and all other citizens as well should be familiarized with water saving techniques. 

Source– This post is based on the article “Punjab assembly election 2022-Ignoring the ground water depletion problem” published in Down to earth on 27th Jan 2022.    

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