Needs of chronic disease prevention in old age population

Context There is a rapid rise in the share of the old i.e. 60 years or more and associated morbidities, especially sharply rising non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and disabilities. Though life expectancy is increasing, but also the rate of chronic disease is increasing in older community. Indian Human Development Survey (IHDP) 2015 According to the findings… Continue reading Needs of chronic disease prevention in old age population

Internet based Terrorism

Context There is new world of cyber-planners carrying out terror attacks, identifying recruits, acting as a virtual coachers and providing guidance throughout. The series of attacks were performed using “remote-controlled” methods, using actual operative as a remote. High Grade explosives such as TATP (TriacetoneTriperoxide) was used. Both ‘direct to home jihad’ and the ‘lone wolf’… Continue reading Internet based Terrorism

New Rules on Antibiotic Resistance by WHO

 Context The World Health Organization (WHO) decides to restrain the use of antibiotics resistance. WHO has divided the drugs into three categories i.e., access, watch and reserve. The saturation is on the basis of common ailments and complicated diseases. The division of the antibiotic is as follows: Access: For commonly used antibiotics Watch: For slightly… Continue reading New Rules on Antibiotic Resistance by WHO

Scientists conjure up largest virtual universe

Context Scientists have created the largest-ever virtual universe that simulates the formation galaxies and may hold clues to the nature of the elusive dark matter that is believed to make up majority of the cosmos. Details The gigantic catalogue of about 25 billion virtual galaxies generated from 2 trillion digital particles using a super computer… Continue reading Scientists conjure up largest virtual universe

Neutrino Research and INO project

Context Setback to the Neutrino Observatory shows the need to garner public support for scientific research. What is the issue? India’s wait to join the elite club of countries undertaking neutrino research suffered a procedural delay this year when the National Green Tribunal (NGT) suspended the environmental clearance (EC) granted to the India-based Neutrino Observatory… Continue reading Neutrino Research and INO project

India makes medical achievement-first successful uterine transplants

Context India witnessed the first uterine transplants of two patients at Galaxy Care Laparoscopy Institute (GCLI) The woman from Solapur suffers from congenital uterus absence. She was fitted with her mother’s womb, which was retrieved mainly through laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery after a nine-hour operation on May 18. The other woman from Baroda had… Continue reading India makes medical achievement-first successful uterine transplants

Oxytocin at a fix: Reasons for Ban

Context Soon after the ban for the retailers, the Drug Controller plans to restrict manufacturing of controversial hormone drug Oxytocin, to Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). The Government of India banned retail sale of the hormone in 2014. As per the orders of High Court, The manufacture and sale of Oxytocin without a license is cognizable.… Continue reading Oxytocin at a fix: Reasons for Ban

Straight out of the grave

Secrets of ancient Egypt Context The 90 Mummies dug from the Abusir el-Malek archaeological site, located about 115 km south of Cairo, and is catching the eyes of many. The DNA was extracted from the teeth and bones of mummies from a burial ground associated with the god Osiris. The oldest were from about 1,388… Continue reading Straight out of the grave

Discovery of new species in India

 Context Recently, 499 new species have been discovered in India. Animal Discoveries 2016, New Species and Records, brought out by the Zoological Survey of India, and Plant Discoveries 2016, by the Botanical Survey of India revealed the fact. Some Statistics on the New Species Discovered 313 animal species and 186 plant species have been discovered. India… Continue reading Discovery of new species in India
