Status of Policing in India Report 2019

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  1. Common Cause and Centre for the Study Developing Societies has released Status of Policing in India Report 2019. The report highlights the dismal work conditions in which the police operate in India.
  2. According to the report, the police force work with just 3/4th of its required capacity. An average police officer works for 14 hours a day, six hours more than what the Model Police Act recommends
  3. The study also found a decline in the total strength of women in the police from 11.4% in 2007 to 10.2% in 2016. Tamil Nadu had highest representation of women at 12.9% in 2016
  4. The report stated that 28% police personnel believe that pressure from politicians is the biggest hindrance in a crime investigation. The other obstacles cited were related to society, legal systems and internal working systems in police
  5. According to the report, 50% of Indian policemen believes that Muslims are “very much” or “somewhat” prone to committing crimes. One-third of policemen also believe that people from Schedule Caste are prone to committing crimes.
  6. The survey also found that while the police personnel were sufficiently trained on physical parameters, weaponry and in crowd control, many lacked training on modules of new technology, cybercrime or forensic technology.
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