Time to put a price on carbon emissions

Source- The post is based on the article “Time to put a price on carbon emissions” published in “The Hindu” on 4th April 2023. Syllabus: GS3- Environment Relevance– Issues related to climate change News– The article explains the pricing carbon strategy to fight climate change. Contents1 What are the different ways of pricing carbon?2 Why… Continue reading Time to put a price on carbon emissions

EU’s carbon border tax – Explained, pointwise

Contents1 Introduction2 About EU’s carbon border tax3 Rationale behind the tax4 How the carbon border tax will work?5 Countries that might be impacted6 Why is India opposing it?7 Issues/concerns/challenges8 Suggestions/Measures9 Conclusion Introduction In March 2021, the EU Parliament had adopted a resolution to implement a ‘Carbon Border Adjusted Mechanism’ (CBAM), pertaining to which proposed that… Continue reading EU’s carbon border tax – Explained, pointwise
