Spot The Problems – Deaths of two cheetahs call for thorough expert investigation, not speculation. And space is the key

Source: The post is based on the article “Spot The Problems – Deaths of two cheetahs call for thorough expert investigation, not speculation. And space is the key” published in The Times of India on 1st May 2023. Syllabus: GS – 3: Environment and Bio-diversity Conservation. Relevance: About issues in India’s cheetah reintroduction project. News: Uday is… Continue reading Spot The Problems – Deaths of two cheetahs call for thorough expert investigation, not speculation. And space is the key

RIP Sasha: India’s dream of its own cheetah population rests on her companions

Source: The post is based on the article “RIP Sasha: India’s dream of its own cheetah population rests on her companions” published in the Indian Express on 29th March 2023. Syllabus: GS – 3: Environment and Bio-diversity Conservation. Relevance: About Sasha’s death on India’s cheetah reintroduction project. News: Sasha, one of the eight Namibian cheetahs translocated to Kuno National Park… Continue reading RIP Sasha: India’s dream of its own cheetah population rests on her companions
