Panchamirtham of Palani temple gets GI tag

Palani panchamirtham has been granted GI Tag. It is served as prasadam at the Murugan temple, Palani, Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu. The panchamirtham is a combination of five natural substances — banana, jaggery, cow ghee, honey and cardamom. Dates and diamond sugar candies are added for flavour. It is served in a semi-solid state. Not… Continue reading Panchamirtham of Palani temple gets GI tag

Odisha rasgulla gets GI tag

Geographical Indication Registry of India has accorded Geographical Indication(GI) tag to Odisha’s rasgulla.Odisha Rasgulla is associated with famous Puri Jagannath Temple. This GI tag to Odisha comes amid a years long debate between West Bengal and Odisha over where the Rasgulla had originated.In November 2017,West Bengal was granted the GI tag for Rasgulla. The GI… Continue reading Odisha rasgulla gets GI tag

Kolhapuris: The famous leather chappal get Geographical Indication tag

The Controller General of Patents,Designs and trademarks has granted the Geographical Indication(GI) tag for Kolhapuris to a large area in Maharashtra and Karnataka,covering four districts in each state. Kolhapuris are sturdy leather chappal that rose from its humble rural origins to occupy the high table of fashion globally. The GI tag means that footwear produced… Continue reading Kolhapuris: The famous leather chappal get Geographical Indication tag

On Foundation Day, Odisha receives GI tag for ‘Kandhamal Haldi’

Kandhamal Haldi,a variety of indigenous turmeric grown only in southern Odisha has received Geographical indication (GI) tag from Geographical Indication Registry of India. Kandhamal Haldi is a member of the Curcuma botanical group, which is a part of the ginger family whose botanical name is Curcuma Longa. It is known for its medicinal values. The… Continue reading On Foundation Day, Odisha receives GI tag for ‘Kandhamal Haldi’

Erode’s unique turmeric gets a GI tag

Geographical Indication Registry of India has accorded Geographical Indication (GI) tag to Erode turmeric.It is  grown mainly in Erode district of Tamil Nadu. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the ginger family.The plant’s underground stems or rhizomes have been used as a spice,dye,medicine and religious maker since antiquity. The spice’s colour comes… Continue reading Erode’s unique turmeric gets a GI tag

Five varieties of Indian coffee awarded GI certification

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has recently awarded Geographical Indication (GI) to five varieties of Indian coffee. Geographical Indications (GI) is an intellectual property right (IPR). It is a status accorded to a good which is unique to a particular region or area, and is originated… Continue reading Five varieties of Indian coffee awarded GI certification

Arecanut gets its first GI tag for ‘Sirsi Supari’

Registrar of Geographical Indications, Government of India has accorded a GI tag to ‘Sirsi Supari’. It is an arecanut cultivated in Yellapura, Siddapura and Sirsi taluks of Karnataka. The Totagars’ Cooperative Sale Society (TSS) Ltd, a Sirsi-based agri-cooperative, is the registered proprietor of the GI ‘Sirsi Supari’. Recently, Erode turmeric (Tamil Nadu) and Marayur jaggery… Continue reading Arecanut gets its first GI tag for ‘Sirsi Supari’
