World Gold Council report: RBI ranks 6th in buying gold abroad

News:The World Gold Council (WGC) recently released its report, “World Gold Outlook 2020”. Facts: Key takeaways from the report: The Gold has performed the best in 2019.Since 2010 the gold trade in dollars has increased by 18.4% in 2019. The Reserve Bank of India ranks 6th in buying gold abroad.Currently,it holds 625.2 tonnes of gold.This… Continue reading World Gold Council report: RBI ranks 6th in buying gold abroad

India among top 10 nations in gold reserves

News: According to the latest release by the World Gold Council, India has ranked 10th in the country list with total gold reserves of 618.2 tonnes. Facts: USA has been ranked 1st with total gold reserves of 8,133.5 tonnes followed by Germany, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Italy, France, Russia and China. Pakistan holds the 45th… Continue reading India among top 10 nations in gold reserves
