Surety bonds: Slow take-off likely as pricing, reinsurance concerns remain

What is the News? In Budget 2022-23, the government has allowed the use of surety insurance bonds as a substitute for bank guarantees in case of government procurement and also for gold imports. What are Surety Bonds? A surety bond is a legally binding contract entered into by three parties—the principal, the obligee and the… Continue reading Surety bonds: Slow take-off likely as pricing, reinsurance concerns remain

How to create a better power distribution Network 

News: Government in July 2021 launched Revamped Distribution Sector Reform Scheme (RDSS) scheme  This is the latest of many central government grant-based programmes towards electricity distribution network investments. This has been introduced to increase access and improving performance in the electricity distribution sector.    What is the Revamped Distribution Sector Reform Scheme (RDSS) scheme?  The… Continue reading How to create a better power distribution Network 

About Green clearances: The missing green

News: For many years, many environmentalists have raised the apprehension that a large number of infrastructure projects in the country are implemented without mandatory due diligence. They often complain of irregularities in green clearances. There have also been reports that mega initiatives proposed in the country in the last 15 years have failed to fulfil their… Continue reading About Green clearances: The missing green

Budget disappoints on healthcare 

News: Recently unveiled budget proposes many initiatives for health sector like digitally managed health ecosystem and provisions for mental health.   But, many expectations for the health sector remain unfulfilled. What are the limitation in current budget’s approach towards health sector?  Budget’s emphasis on Digital technology could be a game-changer, but only if the facility, doctors, patients,… Continue reading Budget disappoints on healthcare 

A budget that overlooks real needs 

News: The recently presented budget has digital technology at its core. It focusses on providing important services like education, health, employment to even the remotest corners of the country with the help of digital initiative.  However, there are apprehensions that this may not be appropriate to solve the pressing issue of rural India  What are… Continue reading A budget that overlooks real needs 

Explained: Freedom of religion and attire

Contents1 What is the News?2 How is religious freedom protected under the Constitution?3 What is the Supreme Court’s view on Religious Freedom?4 Where did the Supreme Court apply the essential religious practices test?5 What are the court’s rulings on Hijab? What is the News? Recently, six students were banned from entering a college in Karnataka’s… Continue reading Explained: Freedom of religion and attire

Explained: Fast-tracking Vande Bharat

What is the News? In Budget 2022, the Finance Minister has announced that 400 Vande Bharat trains will be manufactured in the next three years. What are Vande Bharat Trains? Vande Bharat is a semi-high speed train. Currently, two Vande Bharat trains are currently in operation, Delhi-Varanasi and Delhi-Katra. They are self-propelled trains that do… Continue reading Explained: Fast-tracking Vande Bharat

Explained: What are Ramsar Sites, and what is the significance of this listing?

Contents1 What is the News?2 What is Wetland?3 Wetlands in India4 Ramsar Sites globally and in India5 India’s Wetlands importance in the Central Asian Flyway (CAF)6 What is the significance of Ramsar Listing? What is the News? On World Wetlands Day, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands designated Khijadia Bird Sanctuary in Gujarat and Bakhira Wildlife… Continue reading Explained: What are Ramsar Sites, and what is the significance of this listing?

Fiscal management during a pandemic 

News: India’s actual growth performance for the fiscal years 2020-21 and 2021-22 was above the projections made by the Finance commission. Even for the fiscal year 2022-23, the economy is projected to grow at 11% (at current prices) compared to 9.5% projected by the Commission.  Contents1 What is the effect of this improved growth performance? 2… Continue reading Fiscal management during a pandemic 

High Court stays Haryana’s 75% law for reservation to locals in private jobs

What is the News? Punjab and Haryana High Court has stayed the Haryana government’s law guaranteeing 75% reservation to locals in private sector jobs. What was the local reservation law passed by the Haryana Government? Haryana Assembly has passed The Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020. The Bill provided for 75% reservation for… Continue reading High Court stays Haryana’s 75% law for reservation to locals in private jobs
