Switch it off!: How light pollution disorients ecosystems

Source: Down to Earth Relevance: Impact of light pollution Synopsis: Excessive use of light in urban areas has negative impact on human and animal life. Analysis of the impact and mitigation measures that can be taken. Contents1 Context2 About Light pollution3 Causes4 Impact 5 Mitigation Context Watching the night sky, the stars and other astronomical objects… Continue reading Switch it off!: How light pollution disorients ecosystems

Skyglow forces dung beetles to abandon the Milky Way as their compass

Source: Down to Earth Relevance: Impact of light pollution on the environment Synopsis: Researchers used Dung beetle to study the impact of the growing light pollution on our environment. Contents1 What is Skyglow?2 Study on the dung beetle3 Impact of light pollution 4 Suggestion/Measures What is Skyglow? Globally, nights are becoming ever brighter. This light floods directly… Continue reading Skyglow forces dung beetles to abandon the Milky Way as their compass
