Measures being proposed to curb resurgence of COVID wave

Source: Livemint Synopsis  Various governments have adopted various strategies for handling the Covid pandemic. Is making vaccination compulsory the right strategy?  Making Vaccine Compulsory in India – will not be a good choice because:  There is a mismatch between the demand and supply of vaccines.   If made compulsory for any group, would lead to… Continue reading Measures being proposed to curb resurgence of COVID wave

New mobile app launched to assist farmers

The Ministries of Earth Sciences and Agriculture have launched a new mobile application called Meghdoot. The app has been developed by by experts from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) and Indian Institute of Tropical meteorology and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research The mobile app will provide location, and crop and livestock-specific weather-based agro advisories… Continue reading New mobile app launched to assist farmers
