Ozone layer recovery may take several lifetimes. But Montreal Protocol saved the Earth

  What is the news? Sep 16th is celebrated as World Ozone Day every year since 1994 to commemorate the date of the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987. It has been the most successful global environmental treaty so far and the only United Nations environmental agreement to be ratified by every country in… Continue reading Ozone layer recovery may take several lifetimes. But Montreal Protocol saved the Earth

India has done well to ratify the Montreal accord amendment

Source: Business Standard Relevance: Understanding India’s ratification to Kigali Agreement Synopsis: The recent announcement of Government of India to ratify the Kigali agreement is expected to bring various benefits including strengthening India’s global position in fight against climate change Contents1 Context2 Background3 India’s strategy4 Benefits of HFC phaseout Context The government’s decision to ratify the… Continue reading India has done well to ratify the Montreal accord amendment

Explained: Ozone pact in climate fight

Source: Indian Express Contents1 What is the news?2 Background:3 About HFCs4 India’s efforts What is the news? India recently ratified the Kigali Agreement to the Montreal Protocol after 5 years of negotiation. It is expected to help energize collective global effort to address global warming as well as climate change. Background: In 1989 Montreal Protocol… Continue reading Explained: Ozone pact in climate fight

Ozone levels exceeding permitted levels: study

Source: The Hindu What is the News? A Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) study has found that ozone levels are exceeding the permitted levels even during winter in Delhi-NCR. It is making the smog more “toxic”. Key Findings of the Study: Ozone is becoming more widespread in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR)… Continue reading Ozone levels exceeding permitted levels: study
