Act and Friction: On appointment to tribunals

  Introduction There is friction between government and judiciary over the powers and limitations of law-making on the recently passed Tribunal Reforms Act. It contained provisions that had been struck down by the Supreme Court earlier. Read more: Supreme Court remarks on tribunal law is latest flashpoint between legislature, judiciary What did the government do? Cherry-picking… Continue reading Act and Friction: On appointment to tribunals

Supreme Court remarks on tribunal law is latest flashpoint between legislature, judiciary

Source: Indian Express Relevance: To understand the tussle between Judiciary and Parliament Synopsis: Friction between Judiciary & government over interference in each other domain There is a fresh tussle between the Judiciary and legislature over the powers and limitations of law-making on the recently passed Tribunal Reforms Act. Tribunal Reforms Act 2021: It sought the abolishment… Continue reading Supreme Court remarks on tribunal law is latest flashpoint between legislature, judiciary

Tribunal reforms: what’s abolished, what happens to pending cases

Source: Indian Express Relevance: Tribunals in India, Justice delivery  Synopsis: Changes introduced by the Tribunals Reform Bill 2021.  Contents1 Context2 What is the Bill about?3 Why tribunals are being dissolved? 4 What are the tribunals that are being dissolved?5 Salient features of the bill Context The Supreme Court recently expressed its discontentment over the functioning of tribunals in… Continue reading Tribunal reforms: what’s abolished, what happens to pending cases

7 PM Daily Editorials Brief – February 10, 2018(Apex Court passes interim order on appointments to Tribunals)

Context: The Supreme Court accepted the suggestions made by the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) Bar Association on appointments to various tribunals. By doing so the apex court stayed the applicability of provisions of the Central Tribunal, Appellate Tribunal and other Authorities (Qualification, experience and other conditions of service of members) Rules, 2017 Rules notified give… Continue reading 7 PM Daily Editorials Brief – February 10, 2018(Apex Court passes interim order on appointments to Tribunals)
