Pak. invites Saudi Arabia to be third partner in CPEC

Pak. invites Saudi Arabia to be third partner in CPEC News Pakistan has invited Saudi Arabia to join the CPEC as the third strategic partner. Important Facts 2. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the fastest-moving and flagship project of multi-billion dollar global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 3. It is the pet project… Continue reading Pak. invites Saudi Arabia to be third partner in CPEC

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Pak. invites Saudi Arabia to be third partner in CPEC

Pak. invites Saudi Arabia to be third partner in CPEC News Pakistan has invited Saudi Arabia to join the CPEC as the third strategic partner. Important Facts 2. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the fastest-moving and flagship project of multi-billion dollar global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 3. It is the pet project… Continue reading Pak. invites Saudi Arabia to be third partner in CPEC

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PT FACTS PM to inaugurate Pakyong Airport in Sikkim: Prime Minister will inaugurate Pakyong Airport in Sikkim on September 24.It will be the 100th functional airport in the country and Sikkim first functional airport Prime Minister lays foundation stone of Convention centre in New Delhi :PM laid the foundation stone for India International Convention and… Continue reading PT FACTS

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Ravaged by a caterpillar: On the armyworm invasion in India

Ravaged by a caterpillar: On the armyworm invasion in India Article The danger posed by an invasive species namely the ‘Fall Armyworm’ and the risks posed by it. Important Facts: About Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) It is a native of America and is parasitic on the maize crop. Pesticide available: Lambda cyhalothrin can be used… Continue reading Ravaged by a caterpillar: On the armyworm invasion in India

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RBI announces norms for co-origination of priority sector loans by banks, NBFCs

RBI announces norms for co-origination of priority sector loans by banks, NBFCs News RBI announced the co-origination model between banks and NBFCs. What is co-origination of loans? It is a proposal for joint lending by banks and NBFCs. NBFC-A Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 of India,… Continue reading RBI announces norms for co-origination of priority sector loans by banks, NBFCs

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Greening India by planting bamboo

Greening India by planting bamboo News: The World Bamboo Day is celebrated to create awareness about the importance of bamboo as a versatile material for sustainable lifestyle. Important Facts: The theme of World Bamboo Day 2018 is:” Bamboo as a tool for achieving economic and social sustainability”. Advantages of Bamboo Livelihood opportunity: Provide rural livelihood… Continue reading Greening India by planting bamboo

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ISRO setting up launch pad for Gaganyaan mission

ISRO setting up launch pad for Gaganyaan mission News ISRO is planning to set up a third launch pad at Sriharikota and searching new location for the Small Satellite Launch Vehicles (SSLV) Launch Pad Need for Third Launch Pad This will undertake the Gaganyaan mission (India’s 1st manned space programme) ISRO’s other two launch pads… Continue reading ISRO setting up launch pad for Gaganyaan mission

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Satellite control set to give drones more sting

Satellite control set to give drones more sting News: India is planning to upgrade its drone operations, from existing ground control stations to satellite control of military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to boost its  range, endurance and flexibility. Important Facts: This significant capability boost will come with the launch of GSAT 7A. About GSAT 7A… Continue reading Satellite control set to give drones more sting

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Seeking a managed exit

Seeking a managed exit Article Rakesh Sood, former ambassador, discusses the current geopolitical scenario in Afghanistan. Important Analysis Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani was on a day-long visit to India on September 19. It was a low key visit with no announcements because of the growing sense of uncertainty that prevails in Afghanistan. India reiterated its… Continue reading Seeking a managed exit

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India calls off New York meeting with Pakistan

India calls off New York meeting with Pakistan News India called off the proposed foreign minister-level talks with Pakistan in New York on the sidelines United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Meeting was proposed by pakistan at the call of constructive engagement from indian side Important facts What was the proposed agenda of the talks? Finalization… Continue reading India calls off New York meeting with Pakistan

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