Thaw on the western front
Red Book
Red Book

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Relevance: India’s engagement with Taliban and Pakistan, and political parties Kashmir valley will stabilize its western front.  

SynopsisHijack of IC-814 flight by Taliban made India look West. Now, in the light of US withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, India is again trying to reshape its strategic outlook towards Western region. 

Why is India engaging with Taliban? 

India is talking to the Taliban because the Taliban are winning the war against USA and Afghan government.  

  • USA would want India to engage with Taliban because it doesn’t want Afghanistan to become battleground for Indo-Pak rivalry again. 
  • India too understands that it has to work together with USA in the West, if the Quad partnership in the East is to succeed.  
Ceasefire along LoC 

India and Pakistan understand that if they are actively at odds with each other along the LoC, their differences will spill over into Afghanistan too. And then, with the Taliban in power, the ISI might be tempted to use them against India. Hence, the recent ceasefire should be seen in that light. 

ccPolitical Engagement in Kashmir 
  • New engagement in Kashmir is the logical next step: Both, the central government and Kashmiri leaders have rightfully shed their extreme positions.  
  • Breaking the status Quo in Kashmir: With a strong centre it was expected that terrorism will die-off but the opposite has happened as the resentment has grown. Engaging with the local leadership positively is the optimum strategy at this moment. Status-Quo is not helping India’s cause anyway. 
  • Regime change in Iran: Ebrahim Rahisi has been elected as new President of Iran. If Iran-nuclear deal is restored by him then it will lead to opening up of Iranian market and oil supplies. This will be a good event for India too. 

SourceBusiness Standard 

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