Titanic tourist submersible missing: Difference between a submersible and a submarine
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Source: The post is based on the article “Titanic tourist submersible missing: Difference between a submersible and a submarine” published in Indian Express on 22nd June 2023

What is the News?

The Titan, the vessel that went missing in the area of the Titanic wreck in the North Atlantic is classified as a submersible, not a submarine because it does not function as an autonomous craft, instead relying on a support platform to deploy and return.

What are Submersibles?

Source: Oceangate

Submersibles are small, limited-range watercraft designed for a set mission, that are built with characteristics that allow them to operate in a specific environment.

These vessels are typically able to be fully submerged into water and cruise using their own power supply and air renewal system.

While some submersibles are remotely operated and essentially manually controlled or programmed robots, these usually operate unmanned.

Vessels like the missing Titan are known as human-occupied vehicles.

What is the difference between a submarine and a submersible?

The difference between a submarine and a submersible is a submarine has enough power to leave port and come back to port under its own power. 

On the other hand, a submersible has very limited power reserves so it needs a mother ship that can launch it and recover it.

The procedure is similar to a boat that takes scuba divers out to sea with their gear, allowing them to jump for their underwater adventure and then climb back onboard for the trip back to shore.

Moreover, unlike submarines, submersibles also have a viewport and external cameras to view the outside space surrounding the vessel. They also have limited power reserves.

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