[UPSC Interview 2023] – Transcript #63: RN Choubey sir Board, History Optional, Rajasthan Home State, poetry Hobby
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Date of Interview: 19 January forenoon
Board: RN Choubey sir
Optional: History
Home State: Rajasthan
DAF Keywords: History, Alwar, Rajasthan, poetry, mandala artwork


  1. As a history student, how do you see rewriting of history?
  2. Who should write history? Who should decide that?

Member 1

  1. What is mandala?
  2. Why it’s being performed?
  3. What is pm poshan scheme?
  4. What is Nipun Bharat?
  5. What do you mean by competency?
  6. in rural areas, which are the govt officials which work at ground level?

Member 2

  1. What is ayushman Bharat scheme?
  2. What is bhamaashah scheme?
  3. What are the difference between these 2 scheme?
  4. How many new districts are added in rajasthan recently?
  5. Out of alwar, how many districts are being made?
  6. What is the status of industries in Alwar?
  7. which are the major ones?
  8. In Bhiwadi, which ones? Is gillete guard co there?

Member 3

  1. China is building developmental activites near border area, how do you see that?
  2. Should india also build and take development activites in our region? Should we relocate people in there ?
  3. There has been demographic invasion in india from nearby regions? Who are these people?
  4. Should india allow such immigrations? Should we continue accepting them
  5. There has been protest regarding CAA? should india continue with this.

Member 4

  1. Tell me is corruption increasing or decreasing?
  2. What are the measures govt is taking to control or curb corruption?
  3. How govt regulates private companies corruption?
  4. Recent company which was in news for corruption?
  5. Which is the cheapest mode of transportation?
  6. arrange in order of increasing cost of transportation.
  7. Why are we not being able to use water transport that efficiently?
  8. how can we increase our linkage?
  9. What are the technology we can deploy to do that
  10. Tell me something about the aviation sector. How is that doing?

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)

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