[UPSC Interview Transcript #100]: Manoj Soni Board, Bihar Home State, PSIR Optional, Diary writing & Trekking Hobbies

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 10th August. Click Here for more information.

Duration: 30-35 mins
Board: Manoj Soni sir
Background: B.TECH in CSE
Optional: PSIR
1.5 years in Vizag steel plant,6 years in ONGC
Home State: Bihar
First interview
Hobbies: diary writing and trekking


Greeted and explained the process
Chairman – Started Reading DAF details like native place , company name .. said that it’s good that you are here .. I have seen many students who either leave their job for CSE preparation or change their job always .. you did none of them .. you prepared along with your job and also stuck to ONGC .. That’s good
CM – Tell me how did you manage
A: explained about my schedule and how I managed 2-3 hours on weekdays and utilised weekends in effective way also told them that I managed my leave well and took leave on Monday if necessary and clubbed it with weekends .. also said that my seniors are very supportive and I took 20 days leave before Mains and 5 days before interview
CM – ok that’s nice .. I see that you are from IT and you are working in IT department of ONGC .. that’s a good symphony .. I like it .. now why u want to break this
CM – Lets address the elephant in the room – does power excite you ?
CM – you are from champaran and Gandhi ji was associated with champaran .. let’s discuss about him and then he asked is it practical to follow Gandhi ji ideas .. discussion on poverty , his economic ideas and materialism followed up .. 3-4 minutes discussion on this topic Now he told other members to ask

Member 1

I see you are from PSIR .. tell me your view on general sulameani killing (no cross question ) – tell me about the Jamal karogi killing
– Ok I see you like trekking.. let’s move to that area .. how frequently you trek
– Most difficult trek and details about its terrain
– I want you to send you to a 7 days Himalayan expedition and you won’t get any Porter to carry any luggage .. take your time and plan your bag .. remember you have to carry this bag
– Discussion on the items followed
– Next question on hyderabad killing instant justice — (discussion became little bit uncomfortable )
– Suppose Nirbhaya is ur sister .. how will you react
– Cross question on that
– Chairman also asked follow up question on this
– there are many leather factories which are facing non tariff barrier .. how to approach this problem .. cross question on this

Member 2

– how do you rate ONGC .
– tell me one major problem ongc is facing
– Ok it seems you have prepared ONGC well let’s move on from it
– what is ur view on sick psu .. I want your assessment .. where are we going wrong .. I don’t want bookish answer .. I want ur observation and she specifically mentioned that I have to give 4 observation – questions and answer followed on this
– Next discussion on champaran
– I have visited champaran some time back and I am sorry to say I am disappointed with this .. what do you think is it because of political failure or bureaucratic apathy ?
– Question of development model of champaran and it’s challenges

Member 3

– What is nudge theory
– Is it successful in changing behaviours of people
– Ur assessment of Swach BHARAT mission and role of nudge theory in this
– Name and Shane policy and is it right
– How to use it in other scheme
– Is champaran ODF free
– can you use IT knowledge and improve ODF status in champaran .. tell me ur plan of action
– Follow up question on this

Member 4

– she asked about cooperatives (no idea why she asked — no link to daf )
– Problems of cooperatives specially PACS
– Any successful model of PACS and learning
– Problem of district cooperatives
– Use ur IT knowledge to make it right
– No follow up question
– In the end she said very good
Finally chairman
Thank you .. your interview is over .. have a nice day.
Duration – 30-35 mins
5th one to go in second half (around 4:40)

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