WHO South East Asia Region (SEAR)
Red Book
Red Book

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News: The 73rd session of WHO South East Asia Region was held under the Chairmanship of Minister of Health, Thailand.


  • WHO South East Asia Region (SEAR): It was established at the First World Health Assembly in 1948.
  • Objective: To address persisting and emerging epidemiological and demographic challenges in the South East Asia Region.
  • Member States: It has 11 Member States – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste.
  • Regional Office: New Delhi.
  • Programmes: The Region has eight flagship priorities.
    • Measles and rubella elimination
    • preventing non-communicable diseases
    • reducing maternal, under-five and neonatal mortality
    • universal health coverage with a focus on human resources for health and essential medicines
    • combating antimicrobial resistance
    • scaling up capacities for emergency risk management

eliminating neglected tropical diseases and accelerating efforts to end TB.

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