Ethical democracy

Context- The elected must protect all the unelected instruments of democracy- – judiciary, media and civic organizations. What is check and balance in the democracy? Checks and balances, principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power. Democracies have developed systems of efficient checks and balances… Continue reading Ethical democracy

Push for Exports

Context: India needs to shed its exaggerated fears of trade agreements to create new jobs. What are the challenges facing by Indian economy? Contracting Economic growth: India is in an economic recession for the first time in its independent history. Rising Unemployment: Thousands of people lost their jobs due to the slowing economy in 2018-19 and… Continue reading Push for Exports

Present State of economy

Context: The pandemic has delivered a “scissor cut” to the government finances. What is the current scenario? Economic output and government revenues are shrinking. The government has to spend more to safeguard lives and livelihoods. Widening deficit. Most of state’s revenue come from center which changes their debt servicing ability for the worse. What are… Continue reading Present State of economy

Central Trade Unions strike

Context- Trade unions called for nationwide strike to protest government policies. Why Central Trade Union (CTUs) have called for a nation-wide strike and what are the demands Central Trade unions called for national wide strike to protest against anti-farmer laws, anti-worker labour codes, privatization of public sector and the corporatization policies of the government. Trade union’s demands- The… Continue reading Central Trade Unions strike

Right to choice of women

Context: The Uttar Pradesh government has cleared an ordinance that enables the state to police and punish inter-faith marriages with “the sole intention of changing a girl’s religion”. Discuss the issues associated with the law against love jihad. Law against fundamental rights: By clearing the ordinance, the state government has trespassed the fundamental right to marry guaranteed… Continue reading Right to choice of women

corporate houses in Indian banking

Context: Recently, an Internal Working Group of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recommended that corporate houses be given bank licences. Background Earlier, in 2013, the RBI had issued similar guidelines permitting corporate and industrial houses to apply for a banking licence. However, no corporate was given a bank licence as none of the… Continue reading corporate houses in Indian banking

Protecting Article 32

Context: The Chief Justice of India is reported to have stated during the hearing of journalist Siddique Kappan’s bail matter, that the Court was trying to “discourage” recourse to Article 32. What does article 32 says? The right to move the Supreme Court by appropriate proceedings for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this… Continue reading Protecting Article 32

India-EU trade

Context- The recently concluded 15th Summit of India and EU, the broad consensus that emerged is to strengthen the EU-India Strategic Partnership. India-EU areas of convergence- India’s largest trading partner, while India is the EU’s ninth biggest trading partner. India is among the few nations that run a surplus in services trade with the EU. Both… Continue reading India-EU trade

India exits RCEP

Context – India’s decision to stay out of the China-backed RCEP agreement and its significance. What is RCEP and its significance? Launched in 2012, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is a trade pact between the 10-member ASEAN bloc, along with China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. However, India had been due to sign but pulled out… Continue reading India exits RCEP

Violence against women

Context: Domestic violence cases spiked during the COVID-19 lockdown. Explain about the violence during the pandemic? Shadow pandemic: The UN Secretary-General used the term for rise in domestic violence cases during the lockdown. Women and sexual minorities were confined indoors with their abusers and even making a call or stepping out for shelter were likely to be… Continue reading Violence against women
