US Federal Election Commission Vs Indian Election commission

Context: Comparison between Indian U.S. Federal Election Commission and Indian Election commission What are the Issues pertaining to the functions of U.S. Federal Election Commission? Vacancies: The Commission has hardly been able to function in the last year because of resignations. The Commission haven’t passed a single order since August 2019, owing to lack of… Continue reading US Federal Election Commission Vs Indian Election commission

India-Maldives bilateral relations

Context- The upcoming visit of Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla to the Maldives and significance of Maldives ‘India out’ campaign. What are the significances of India-Maldives bilateral relationships? India’s Neighborhood First Policy: India announced a financial assistance package of $1.4 billion for the Maldives in the form of budgetary support, currency swap agreements and concessional lines of… Continue reading India-Maldives bilateral relations

How the US economy and its policy choices likely to affect India

Context: How a Biden presidency likely to benefit India’s economy More in News “In a democracy, someone who fails to get elected to office can always console himself with the thought that there was something not quite fair about it”-Thucydides 431 BC. What is the Significance of U.S to India’s Economy? Trade: India enjoys a trade… Continue reading How the US economy and its policy choices likely to affect India

Foreign policy changes in Joe Biden’s administration

Context: Expected foreign policy changes that Joe Biden will bring to India-U.S. relations if he wins the presidential elections. What are the changes expected? On Afghan policy: In September 2009, Joseph Biden who was the then vice president of Obama’s administration was tasked with building an alternative plan to Afghanistan, to present to U.S. Generals who… Continue reading Foreign policy changes in Joe Biden’s administration

The Indo-Pacific journey

The Rise of the Indo-Pacific Context: The Indo-Pacific region is crucial in Indian foreign policy. Where do we geographically place the Indo-Pacific? India has used ‘indo-pacific’ in joint statements with a series of partner countries, including the United States, Australia, France, Indonesia, Japan, and of course the United Kingdom. The Ministry has recently set up an Indo-Pacific Division… Continue reading The Indo-Pacific journey

Guidelines for matrimonial cases

Context – The Supreme Court has laid down the guidelines for payment of maintenance in matrimonial cases. What are the impacts of early marriage? Health issues – Girls are married off early and bear children long before they should. This triggers a state of poor maternal health and is one of the root causes of high levels… Continue reading Guidelines for matrimonial cases

GST levy on mobility aids

Context: The GST levy on mobility aids places a prohibitive burden on the ability of disabled citizens to lead a dignified life Background Recently, in Nipun Malhotra vs. Union of India case the Supreme Court of India heard brief arguments on the constitutional validity of the levy of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on mobility aids used… Continue reading GST levy on mobility aids

Low labour force participation (LlFP) of Indian women

Context: The issue of the low labour force participation (LFP) of Indian women. What are the factors limiting women’s labour force participation? Women’s inability to work outside the home is hampered mainly due to the predominant responsibility for domestic chores and unpaid care work. Scenario of Indian women’s labour force participation Historical evidence: Historically, women’s… Continue reading Low labour force participation (LlFP) of Indian women

China occupied Kashmir

 Forgotten fact of China Occupied Kashmir Context- The history of china occupied Kashmir and the significance of Sino-Pakistan agreement of 1963. What is China’s dual politics in Kashmir? In August 2019, following the dilution of Article 370 and removal of special status for Jammu and Kashmir, China said it was “seriously concerned about the current… Continue reading China occupied Kashmir

Cancer treatment – Palliative care

Context- The present diversion of healthcare facilities and resources to COVID-19 has increased anxiety and confusion among people with cancer. What are the issues with dealing in cancer in a wake of COVID-19 pandemic? Treatment disruption– The uncertainty about treatment continuation due to the virus spread was stressful. Halt in Cancer screening programmes– These programmes… Continue reading Cancer treatment – Palliative care
