Admit card UPSC 2024
The UPSC Admit Card for the Prelims 2024 will be released on the commission’s official website. Generally, the commission issues the admit card three weeks prior to the examination, as stated in notifications, “The eligible candidates shall be issued an e-Admit Card three weeks before the commencement of the examination.” It’s important to note that no Admit Card will be sent via postal mail.
Steps to download an E-admit card:
Below are the steps to download the UPSC admit card:
Step 1: Visit the official website.
Step 2: Click on the e-Admit Card link.
Step 3: Click on e-Admit Cards for various examination of UPSC.
Step 4: Enter the Roll number or Registration number.
Step 5: Download the prelims admit card and print a copy of the same to carry to the exam venue.
Note: Candidates must be aware that they will not be permitted to enter the exam center or take the UPSC Prelims exam unless they have an admit card. The Prelims admit card serves as proof that the applicant’s candidature has been accepted and that he or she is eligible to take the exam.
The Prelims admit card contains the following information and details:
1. Candidate’s Name
2. Roll Number
3. Photo Identity Card
4. Father’s and Mother’s Name
5. Examination Centre
7. Venue of Examination
8. Time slot details for Paper-I and Paper-II
9. Registration Number
10. Candidate’s Photograph
11. Instructions to be adhered to at the examination venue
Discrepancy, Omission or Mistakes on the UPSC Prelims Admit Card
If a candidate is not issued his/her e-Admit Card or does not receive any other communication regarding his/her candidature for the Examination around three weeks before the commencement of the examination, he/she should immediately contact the Commission at the concerned email ID. Information in this regard can also be obtained from the Facilitation Counter located in the Commission’s Office either in person or over phone Nos. 011-23381125/011- 23385271/011-23098543.
Points needed to be noted:
- No candidate is allowed to appear at a Centre/Venue other than the Centre/Venue mentioned by the Commission in his/her e-Admit Card. If a candidate appears at such a Centre/Venue (except by a court order), the papers of that candidate shall not be evaluated, and his/her candidature will be liable for cancellation.
- Candidates should check the e-Admit Card carefully and discrepancies/ errors, if any, should be brought to the notice of the UPSC immediately.
- The use or presence of mobile phones (even when turned off), electronic equipment, programmable devices, storage media such as pen drives, smartwatches, cameras, Bluetooth devices, and other related accessories, whether operational or turned off but capable of communication, are strictly prohibited. These items are banned and not permitted within the premises of the examination venue. The restriction extends to the UPSC premises during the conduct of Personality Tests (Interviews) as well.
- Candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/expensive items to the Examination Halls/UPSC premises, as safety of such items cannot be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
- The Photo ID Card number is printed on the e-Admit Card issued to the candidate for the examination. The candidate is required to carry the same Photo ID Card, along with the e-Admit Card, when appearing for the Examination or Interview. This Photo ID Card will serve as a reference for all future interactions.
- If the candidate is unable to produce the same Photo ID Card during the Examination or Interview, they must submit an Undertaking along with any other Photo ID Card issued by the Central/State/UT Government.
- The candidates are advised to reach the Venue well in time so that their entry inside the Examination Venue could be ensured smoothly after observing necessary protocol. As regard time for closure of entry, the candidate may note that the entry into the Examination Venue is closed 10 minutes before commencement of the Examination Session e.g. if Session starts at 10:00 a.m., the entry inside the Examination Venue shall be closed sharp at 09:50 a.m.