[Answered] LIGO-India project will add to India’s astronomical capabilities and will enable it to offer inputs and feedback not only for itself but for the rest of the world as well. Discuss.

The LIGO-India project will be in Maharashtra and will help Indian Scientists measure gravitational waves in space which are created by various space events such as mergers of black holes. It will be the fifth node on the international network of gravitational wave observatories.

  • Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is cutting-edge research to identify gravitational waves generated by cosmic events which pass through the earth.
  • These waves when passing through earth tend to affect the shape of earth, and a precise measurement of these changes allows perceiving a gravitational wave. LIGO has exceptionally high accuracy to measure these very tiny changes.
  • These gravitational waves prove the special theory of relativity by Einstein. Which explains gravity and space-time, and answers about the origin of the gravity forces.

How LIGO adds to Indian astronomical capabilities?

  • Collaboration in the LIGO project demonstrates India’s eagerness to contribute to the global knowledge body in Astronomy.
    • Previous projects like Chandrayaan 2, Aditya L1 Solar Telescope, AstroSat, Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope, Indian Astronomical Observatory at Hanle and Thirty Metre Telescope (TMT) adds to the reputation of India.
  • The standard of innovative science at LIGO on Indian soil will help improve the standards of astronomy in India through exposure for researchers from IITs and IISERs.
  • Such projects also inculcate invaluable elements of work ethics in the Indian Astronomy and Astrophysics community. Large-scale participation and proactive planning have enabled Indian researchers to get entrenched in an emerging frontier before it matures.
  • The expertise gained with LIGO lasers will help in the Quantum Technology for India, which will have various applications in future.
  • Indian manufacturing reputation will improve if India is able to manufacture and commission this complex equipment domestically. This reputation will become a source of commercial contracts and partnerships in future.

The experience with LIGO will be invaluable for India, as well as other countries. It will demonstrate the possibilities when the education system and geography meet to unravel the frontiers of basic science with skilled experts. As a result, the whole world can use the knowledge for advancement of the humanity.

Healthy expenditure on Science and Technology will be able to empower, enrich the nation, and help achieve the status of world leader, in various dimensions. Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO), another ambitious scientific project, has been delayed due to environmental concerns. We need to ensure that LIGO does not meet the same fate.

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