Doklam Plateau

It is an 89 patch of territory in Chumbi Valley between Sikkim and Bhutan, claimed by China. It’s called the Donglang region by China, Bhutan calls it Doklam Plateau and India refers to it as Doka La. The Chinese are constructing a road in this region, although opposed by both Bhutan and India. This… Continue reading Doklam Plateau

Trilateral junction between China, India and Bhutan

India’s claim line in the eastern sector follows the McMahon Line. The line drawn by McMahon in 1914 Simla Treaty maps clearly starts at 27°45’40″N, a trijunction between Bhutan, China, and India, and from there, extends eastwards. Most of the fighting in the eastern sector before the start of the war would take place immediately north… Continue reading Trilateral junction between China, India and Bhutan

India-China Policies

With the independence of the Republic of India and the formation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the year 1949, one of the policies for the Indian government was that of maintaining cordial relations with China When China announced that it would be occupying Tibet, India sent a letter of protest proposing negotiations… Continue reading India-China Policies

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Kailash Mansarovar Pilgrimage

  • Kailash Manasarovar Yatra (KMY) is known for its religious value, cultural significance. It is undertaken by hundreds of people every year. Holding significance for Hindus as the abode of Lord Shiva, it holds religious importance also for the Jains and the Buddhists. • As a result of this stand-off, China has denied passage… Continue reading Kailash Mansarovar Pilgrimage

CO2 Levels in India

Context: The first-ever satellite-based picture of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration over India has shown that it is way above the safety mark and also matches what has been observed in other parts of the world. Details The findings are based on the readings from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) The observations for the study were… Continue reading CO2 Levels in India

Must Read News Articles – July 1

Archives GS 1 —  GS 2 India and neighbors Border standoff: India warns of serious impact: (The Hindu) India is deeply concerned at the recent Chinese actions and has conveyed to the Chinese Government that such construction would represent a significant change of status quo with serious security implications for India. Face-off in Doklam: (Indian Express,… Continue reading Must Read News Articles – July 1

Mains Guidance Program – Admissions Open Now

  For Queries Related to MGP Admissions, call: Shantanu at +91-8800631116;  Vinay at +91-9821711605 About Mains Guidance Program  Mains Guidance Program, is a Test Series based Preparation Plan for Civil Services Mains Examination.   It offers candidates a timely Test Based and Mentor Assessment based full length 3 hours test series. It is designed to… Continue reading Mains Guidance Program – Admissions Open Now
