A pragmatic tightrope walk

News: India decided to abstain, along with China and the United Arab Emirates, from a UNSC resolution which is for condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Contents1 What does the Indian move in UNSC signify?2 In what ways Russia is important to India?3 What are the things which shape the Indian foreign and strategic policy?4 What are… Continue reading A pragmatic tightrope walk

Shouldn’t regulators have constitutional status?

News: The recent controversy at National Stock Exchange (NSE) raises many questions of misgovernance. Read here: A red pen moment for corporate governance Who is at fault regulators or the design? The flaw is in the design, and not always the regulators themselves. They can resist their ministry only up to a point. The problem exists as… Continue reading Shouldn’t regulators have constitutional status?

Education should be priority, not banning of hijab

News: Face coverings with varying levels of restrictions are a fact of life for 58% of Hindus and 88% of Muslim women in India. Imposing them on young girls in educational institutions seems particularly worrisome. This is the reason educational authorities chose to ban the hijab in educational institutes. Read here: The interpretative answer to… Continue reading Education should be priority, not banning of hijab

Ploughing a new channel for India’s food systems

News: UN Food Systems Summit emphasizes the need to achieve the United Nations-mandated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). To achieve this, India needs to enhance interfaces between the spheres of science, society, and policy, focusing on sustainability, resource efficiency, and circularity. Read here: “UN Food Systems Summit 2021” -India Holds National Dialogue How the mix of science… Continue reading Ploughing a new channel for India’s food systems

Why lakhs of Indians go abroad to study

News: The report estimates that there has been an increase in students traveling abroad for higher education every year. What does the data suggest? About 8 lakh students travel abroad for higher education every year and spend $28 billion, or 1% of the country’s GDP, on this. About $6 billion in fees, out of this, go… Continue reading Why lakhs of Indians go abroad to study

Real cost of data

News: The Government of India has released a  policy document called “Draft India Data Accessibility & Use Policy 2022”. About the Draft India Data Accessibility & Use Policy, 2022 Read here: Draft India Data Accessibility & Use Policy, 2022: India’s draft data policy unlocks govt data for all, mulls monetization What are the challenges associated with the policy?… Continue reading Real cost of data

Facing the job problem

News: The government of Rajasthan has decided to introduce an urban job guarantee scheme similar to MGNREGA, which will offer 100 days of demand-based employment. What are the concerns associated with the scheme? State economy: First concern is whether 800cr  allocation will be enough for the open-ended program? Rajasthan’s government debt is already at 1/3rd of state GDP, as reported… Continue reading Facing the job problem

We must develop Brand India to attain global appeal and success

News:  In recent years, country or national branding has emerged as a distinctive field in marketing and communication, and also making headways in international diplomacy. What is country branding? It is a process of identity creation where countries gain visibility and put themselves on the world map as distinctive entities by drawing on their history,… Continue reading We must develop Brand India to attain global appeal and success

A policy to replicate BrahMos’ success

News: India recently sold BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles to the Philippines. Read here: the Philippines to acquire BrahMos cruise missiles for $375 million Why the Philippines is upgrading its defence capabilities? Both China and the Philippines claim islands in the South China Sea (SCS). China has militarized Woody Island and arbitrarily claimed the Nine-Dash Line (NDL).… Continue reading A policy to replicate BrahMos’ success
