Concerns Related to The India-Myanmar Border
Red Book
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Concerns Related to The India-Myanmar Border

Source: The post concerns related to the India-Myanmar border has been created, based on the article “Express View on India-Myanmar border: Keep it porous” published in “Indian express” on 24th January 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper2-International relations- India and its neighbourhood- relations.

Concerns Related to The India-Myanmar Border, The article discusses India’s decision to fence its 1,643-km border with Myanmar, and formally ending the Free Movement Regime.

What is The Free Movement Regime (FMR)?

The FMR, started in 2018, let people living along the Indo-Myanmar border travel 16 km into the other country without a visa. This regime has been suspended since September 2022. Now Government is planning to formally end the Free Movement Regime (FMR) regime.

For more information read here

What are The Major Concerns Related to The India-Myanmar Border?

Security Concerns: The decision to fence the border stems from concerns over security, particularly due to the trafficking of arms and drugs.

Refugee Influx: Since the military takeover in Myanmar in 2021, the Chin province has become a battleground, leading to an influx of refugees into India’s Northeast.

Local Opposition to Fencing: Tribal groups like the Kukis in Mizoram and Manipur, who have kinship ties with Myanmar’s Chin community, oppose the fencing, as it might exacerbate ethnic tensions.

Varied State Responses: Mizoram has provided sanctuary to refugees, while Manipur’s government has framed the crisis differently, highlighting the diverse political responses.

Disrupt local lives: The FMR allowed border residents to travel 16 km into either country without a visa. Its suspension could disrupt local lives.


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What is India’s Stance on Myanmar?

Engagement with Military Regime: Unlike Western countries focused on democracy, India has chosen to engage with Myanmar’s military regime.

Look East Policy: Myanmar is an integral part of India’s Look East Policy, highlighting economic and strategic interests over political ideology.

Limited Condemnation: Despite occasional admonitions, like the External Affairs Minister’s comment in 2021, India has largely refrained from strong opposition against Myanmar’s actions that affect Indian interests.

Balancing Security and Diplomacy: India’s approach reflects a balance between security concerns and maintaining diplomatic relations with Myanmar’s military government.

Way forward

To address the India-Myanmar border issues, a balance between security needs and humanitarian concerns is essential. India should consider the impact of border fencing on local communities and maintain a diplomatic approach towards Myanmar, while addressing the refugee crisis and ethnic tensions in the Northeast.

Question for practice:

Examine India’s approach towards the Free Movement Regime (FMR) with Myanmar and its implications for the border region.

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