Geo-political impacts of US’s handling of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza

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Source: The post Geo-political impacts of US’s handling of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza has been created, based on the articles:

What the stalemates in Ukraine, Gaza mean for the US – and its place in the world” published in “Indian express” and

Netanyahu’s actions flout principles of justice and humanity” published in “Indian express” on 30th May 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 2-International relations- Important International institutions, agencies and fora, their structure, mandate.

Context: The article argues that the US’s handling of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza shows its strategy of globalizing conflicts has failed. This failure highlights the shift from a unipolar world order to a more regionalized one, changing global geopolitics significantly.

What was the UN Security Council resolution on Gaza?

The UN Security Council passed a resolution on March 25 demanding a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The US did not veto this resolution, which was a change from its previous stance.

For detailed information on UN resolution on the ceasefire in Gaza read this article here

Why is Israel becoming isolated globally?

  1. Shift in US Stance: The US did not veto the UN Security Council resolution demanding a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, signaling limited support for Israel.
  2. Civilian Casualties: Israel’s bombing of a refugee shelter, killing 45 people, drew criticism, further isolating it.
  3. Netanyahu’s Hardline Policies: His refusal to pause attacks and denial of a two-state solution are isolating Israel.
  4. Global Reactions: Countries like Spain, Ireland, and Norway recognized the Palestinian state, and international courts are addressing accusations of genocide and war crimes against Israel.
  5. Domestic Unpopularity: Netanyahu’s actions are unpopular at home and sparking protests abroad, especially in the US.

How is the U.S. handling the wars in Ukraine and Gaza?

  1. The U.S. has chosen war over negotiations in both Ukraine and Gaza. It helps its allies in supplying arms, funding, and diplomatic cover to Ukraine and Israel.
  2. Despite this support, both wars have reached stalemates and have not achieved Kyiv’s or Tel Aviv’s goals of complete victory.
  3. In Ukraine, the U.S. supports with arms and financial aid to counter Russian aggression.
  4. In Gaza, the U.S. backs Israel with military and diplomatic support against Hamas.
  5. Countries in the Global South, including U.S. allies like Turkey, often refuse to fully side with the U.S., maintaining neutrality.
  6. The U.S.’s approach highlights a shift towards regional conflicts, challenging the global political order it once dominated.

How does regionalization affect geopolitics?

  1. Regionalization has led to a shift in how conflicts are viewed and managed globally. Countries like Turkey, despite being part of NATO, refuse to sanction Russia and maintain relations with Israel, showing a trend towards neutrality.
  2. Middle powers such as China, India, and Brazil focus on regional influence rather than global dominance.
  3. The failure of sanctions on countries like Iran and Russia demonstrates the limits of global political control.
  4. Regional conflicts are less likely to expand into global wars due to localized ceasefire calls.
  5. The U.S. struggles to re-globalize conflicts, as seen in its interventions in Ukraine and Gaza.
  6. This shift challenges the unipolar international order previously dominated by the U.S.

Question for practice:

Discuss the implications of the shift towards regional conflicts and the failure of the US strategy of globalizing conflicts.

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