Implications of terror attack in Raesi

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Source: This post Implications of terror attack in Raesi has been created based on the article Reasi Attack in Jammu & Kashmir and the Need for India to Redraw Its Red Lines, published in Indian Express on 12th June 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3 – Internal Security

News: The Reasi attack on a bus full of pilgrims in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K), resulting in nine deaths and 33 injuries, underscores the persistent threat of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in the region.

This incident occurred during a period of national celebration in India, highlighting the ongoing strategy of terrorist groups to exploit significant national events to convey their messages. The attack, claimed by The Resistance Front (a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba), signifies a renewed effort by Pakistan to destabilize J&K and challenge India’s sovereignty.

India’s security apparatus must adapt to the evolving tactics of terrorist groups. The focus should be on preventing future attacks and ensuring the safety of civilians, especially during major events.

What are the implications of the Reasi Attack?

  1. Symbolic Timing:

The attack coincided with India’s democratic celebrations, including the inauguration of the NDA government and the presence of a strong opposition, reflecting the terrorists’ strategy to undermine such occasions.

It conveys Pakistan’s ongoing commitment to its “war by a thousand cuts” strategy in J&K.

  1. Message of Persistence:

The attack is intended to show that despite a reduction in the strength of terrorist groups, Pakistan remains invested in its J&K strategy. It aims to prevent the perception that the J&K issue has been resolved in favor of India.

What should be done?

Strengthening Local Governance:

Conducting assembly polls in J&K should not be delayed as it symbolizes India’s clear intent and commitment to democratic processes.

Empowering local governance can help address the root causes of unrest and reduce the appeal of extremist ideologies.

Comprehensive Counter-Terrorism Strategy:

Developing a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy that includes military, political, and socio-economic dimensions.

Engaging local communities in counter-terrorism efforts and promoting development and integration of J&K into the national mainstream.

Enhanced Security Measures:

Redoubling security efforts, particularly in vulnerable areas and during significant national events, is crucial.

This includes better intelligence, surveillance, and quick response mechanisms to thwart potential attacks.

Diplomatic Pressure:

India must continue to apply diplomatic pressure on Pakistan to curb its support for terrorist activities.

Engaging international allies and organizations to hold Pakistan accountable for its actions in J&K is essential.

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