International Year of Millets – Achievements and Shortcomings
Red Book
Red Book

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The closing ceremony for the International Year of Millets was held by the Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome on March 29 this year. The ceremony was closed on a positive note of sustaining the momentum built on the back of a successful International year of millet programme.

It was in March 2021, at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, where India proposed that 2023 be declared the International Year of Millets. Seventy countries had supported India’s proposal. Despite, government’s multiple steps to enhance millet production in India, the production and consumption ecosystem of millets faces certain challenges that need to be overcome to further improve adoption and consumption of millets.

Table of Content
What are Millets? What are the climatic conditions suitable for growth of Millets?
What is the significance of International Year of Millets?
What are the benefits of Millets as a crop?
What steps have been taken to promote Millet Production?
What are the Challenges with Millet Production in the Country?
What Should be the Way Forward?

What are Millets? What are the climatic conditions suitable for growth of Millets?

Millets- Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses (Poaceae or grass family). These are widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains. They are used as both human food and animal fodder.

Millets are not new to India. They are mentioned in prehistoric texts. However, due to the push to food security through the Green Revolution in the 1960s, millets were rendered
orphan crops”- as they were less consumed and were almost forgotten.

Types of millets- Millets include three major millets- Sorghum (Jowar), Pearl (Bajra), Finger (Ragi) and six minor millets- Barnyard (Sanwa), Proso (Chenna/Barri), Foxtail (Kakum), Kodo, Brown Top and Little (Kutki/Shavan).

Climatic Requirements- Millets require warm temperatures for germination and development, and are sensitive to frost. For these reasons, they are normally planted from mid-June to mid-July period.
Optimum soil temperatures for seed germination are between 20°C and 30°C. Millet are efficient users of water and grow well in areas of low moisture. They can grow in areas with annual rainfall range of ~30-50 cm. Millets are often grown as catch crops– a crop grown in the space between two main crops or at a time when no main crops are being grown.

Soil Requirements- Millets are highly adaptable to a variety of soil conditions, from extremely poor to very fertile, and can handle a degree of alkalinity. Alluvial, loamy, and sandy soils with good drainage are the ideal soils for millet cultivation.

Millets Production
Source- The Indian Express

Millet Production in India-
a. India produces more than 17 million tonnes of millets a year. It is 80% of Asia’s and 20% of the global output.
b. Ten states, which are characterised by low to moderate annual precipitation (200–800 mm rainfall), produce almost all the millets grown in India. These are Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana.
c. Jowar (sorghum), bajra (pearl millet), and Ragi (finger millet) together account for more than 70 per cent of the total millets produced in India.

What is the significance of International Year of Millets?

1. Promotion of millets on national and Global Level- Millets which were once considered neglected grains, got unprecedented global and national attention. For ex- Promotion of millets at G20 Dinner.

2. Commercialisation of the crop- Capitalisation of the crop by big and small companies, which launched a plethora of products featuring millets– from cookies to exotic and gourmet dishes. For ex- 1,000 startups springing up in millets production.

3. Spread of knowledge about millets- International Year of Millets has spread the knowledge about the importance of millets on local and global platforms. These crops can help in ensuring food security without affecting the climate.

4. Strengthening of millet value chains- During the international year of millets, several novel food trends, such as the full range of Ready to Eat items of millets were introduced, which strengthened the millets value chain. It also led to better price realisation by the farmers.

What are the benefits of Millets as a crop?

1. Nutritional and Health
(a) More nutritious as compared to other fine cereals- According to ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad, Millets contain 7-12% protein, 2-5% fat, 65-75% carbohydrates and 15-20% dietary fibre. They are more nutritious compared to fine cereals as they contain higher protein, fat and fibre content.
(b) Lower risks of diseases- They are gluten-free and non-allergenic. They have low Glycaemic Index and pose lower risks of diabetes. Millets also help to combat cardiovascular diseases, anaemia, calcium deficiency etc.
(c) Rich source of micronutrients- Millets are also rich in micronutrients like calcium, iron, zinc, iodine etc., and they are three to five times more nutritious than wheat and rice in terms of proteins, minerals and vitamins.
(d) Healthy growth and development of Children- According to a study conducted by ICRISAT, millets boost the physiological growth and development in children and adolescents, when rice is replaced by millets in standard meals.

2. Food Security
(a) Combating Hunger- Millets are sustainable food source for combating hunger in a changing world climate. Millets secure sixth position in terms of world agricultural production of cereal grains and are still a staple food in many regions of the world.
(b) Resistant to climate change- Millets are resistance to climatic stress, pest and diseases, and they can be stored for long distances with ease.

3. Environmental
(a) Millets are drought resistant and have lower water requirement. Millets can grow in regions with <50 cm annual rainfall. They have short growing season and require less water during growth.
(b) They can be grown in dry land areas using farmyard manures. This reduces their dependence on synthetic fertilisers.

4. Economic
(a) Millets offer farmers a stable source of income as they are drought-resistant and less susceptible to failure due to weather-related events
(b) Millet production requires a low initial capital investment.

5. Social
(a) Fulfilment of SDGs- Millets have the potential to help achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs), mainly SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action)
(b) Millets can be helpful in reducing gender nutrition gaps and inequalities
(c) Millets can also help in doubling of farmers’ income and an increase in human capital as a result of an increase in the availability of nutritious food.

What steps have been taken to promote Millet Production?

National Year of Millets and International Year of MilletsThe Union Agriculture Ministry, declared millets as ‘Nutri-Cereals’, considering their ‘high nutritive value’ and ‘anti-diabetic properties’. The year 2018 was observed as ‘National Year of Millets’.
The UN General Assembly adopted an India-sponsored resolution to mark 2023 as the ‘International Year of Millets‘
Revamped National Food Security Mission Operational Guidelines (NFSM)The Government of India has laid specific focus on 212 millet districts in 14 states to provide incentives to farmers for quality seed production/distribution, field-level demonstrations, trainings, primary processing clusters and research support. 67 value-added technologies at the ‘Centres of Excellence’ has been supplemented with the release of 77 high-yielding and 10 bio-fortified varieties.
Agricultural Infrastructure Fund (AIF)US$ 14-billion Agricultural Infrastructure Fund (AIF) has pushed investments across States to support millet entrepreneurs, primary processing machines for dehulling millets (removal of husk) and the formation of millet farmer collectives.
10,000 FPOs’ programmeThe promotion of 10,000 FPOs’ programme aims at the millet producers’ effective market participation as member shareholders in these entities.
‘One District One Product’ (ODOP)The ‘One District One Product’ (ODOP) initiative has identified 27 millet focus districts, for streamlining millet supply chains.
State Governments initiativesThe Odisha Government’s 5-year ‘Millet Mission’ is supplementing the input as well as marketing needs of indigenous small and marginal farmers like the Dongria Kondhs across the state to grow millets.

What are the Challenges with Millet Production in the Country?

1. Mono-cropping- The Green Revolution has altered the cropping pattern to wheat-paddy cycle. The area under Millet cultivation reduced from 37 million hectares in pre-Green Revolution period to ~14 million hectares. Millets have become a predominantly fodder crop from staple diet earlier.

2. Declining acreage and production- In spite of the push due to international year of millets, the acreage and production of millets in India has dropped in 2023-24. The area under millets declined by ~4 per cent in 2023-24 crop year and yield declined by ~ 7.4 per cent.

3. Lesser remuneration- The return from millets are less remunerative as compared with other cereals like wheat and rice. For ex- According to CACP data, the gross returns over A2+FL cost of cultivation for paddy was around 42.1%, while it was 19.3% for jowar and 4.1% for ragi.

4. Declining millet intake- Millets have shifted from the bowl of poor and low-income household to the plates of middle and high-income groups. However, the average millet intake in the country is declining in India.

5. Inconsistent Supply and Demand
(a) According to NSSO household consumption expenditure survey, millets is not the first choice of either consumers of farmers. Only less than 10% of rural and urban households reported consumption of millets.
(b) The lack of access to HYV seeds has led to low crop productivity, and the lack of public awareness about nutritional benefits of millets has led to limited adoption of millets. The limited distribution and lack of market knowledge have resulted in sub-optimal reach, lower price realization and wastage.

6. Processing Issues- Some millets require multiple processing for optimization of grain recovery and optimization of polishing to retain their nutrition value. However, the  processing of millets face several hurdles owing to variation in size of various millet types and low shelf life of the processed millets.

7. Low Shelf Life- Processed Millets (like millet flour) have poor shelf life due to its intrinsic enzyme activity (lipase activity, lipid oxidation etc.) that causes rapid development of rancidity and bitterness. Millet products are also prone to moisture and water activity.

8. Ease of Consumption- Wheat has gluten proteins that swell and form networks on adding water to the flour, making the dough more cohesive and elastic. The resultant chapattis come out soft, which isn’t possible with millets (hard) that are gluten-free.

9. Options in PDS- For the rural poor, rice and wheat were aspirational foods. An expanded PDS has provided them access to these Fine grains, which is distinguished from coarse grains.

What Should be the Way Forward?

1. Forefront of India’s agricultural policy- Millets need to be at the forefront of India’s agricultural policy for the next 10 years. For ex- Promotion of production of millets in rice fallows.

2. Incorporation in Public programmes- Millets must be included in pulic programmes such as the PDS and the midday meal schemes. Millets other than jowar, bajra, and ragi should be included in the MSP granted by the government.

3. Production, Processing and Storage- Millet cultivation should be encouraged because of its climate resilience, short cropping period, and capacity to thrive in poor soils, mountainous terrains, and with little rain. For ex- Women millet farmers in rain-fed areas have to be empowered through capacity-building and skills training.

4. Marketing- For sourcing quality millets as well as their steady marketing by entrepreneurs, there is a need for linking small and marginal millet farmers to online marketing platforms, such as the Electronic Agricultural National Market (e-NAM).

5. Missions for millet- State Governments must also launch missions for millet production with the help of international organisations. For ex- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has helped to revitalise kodo and kutki farming in Madhya Pradesh’s Dindori. There is need to replicate the Dindori model beyond one district and across other millets.

Read More- The Business Standard
UPSC Syllabus- GS 3- Indian Agriculture- Cropping patterns
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