International Relations : News and Updates
Red Book
Red Book

  • India on US’s “Currency Watch list”
    What is the News?  The US treasury places India along with 10 other countries on its currency watch list. What is Currency Manipulator: Current Manipulators are countries engaging in “unfair currency practices” by deliberately devaluing their currency against the dollar. The practice would mean that the country in question is artificially lowering the value ...
  • Strategic Autonomy will shape the Emerging global order
    Synopsis: The middle powers like Japan, Iran, Turkey, and India are looking forward to strategic autonomy.  It will make the emerging global order into a multipolar world instead of a new Cold War type bi-polar world. Background The confrontation between greater powers (The US on one side and the Russia-China axis on ...
  • “Raisina Dialogue” 2021 -Prime Minister addresses the Inaugural Session
    What is the News? The Prime Minister has delivered a video address at the Inaugural Session of the Raisina Dialogue. About Raisina Dialogue: Raisina Dialogue is an annual multilateral conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics. The Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation have been jointly organizing it since 2016. Purpose: The conference ...
  • Why India Needs to Balance Relations with China, Russia and US?
    Synopsis: India must actively engage with all the three big powers (US, Russia, China). It is because there is no guarantee that today’s friends will not confront and today’s enemy will not cooperate in the future. This is based on the principle that change is the only permanent thing in foreign ...
  • Freedom of navigation operation (FONOP) in Indian waters
    Synopsis: The U.S. Navy’s FONOP in India’s EEZ highlights the difference in the Indian and American perception on international maritime law (UNCLOS). Background Recently, the USS John Paul Jones carried out freedom of navigation operations (FONOP) in the west of the Lakshadweep Islands. It lies in India’s exclusive economic zone. It was done ...
  • Violation of India’s Exclusive Economic Zone by US Navy
    Synopsis –  Recently, the US Navy challenged India’s maritime rights in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) near Lakshadweep Islands. It called India’s claim excessive and its actions as per the freedom of navigation. Introduction Recently, a move by the US navy came as a surprise to India. It is a surprise, especially ...
  • Increasing Importance of Indo-Pacific for EU
    Synopsis: Europe is ready for a new Indo-Pacific relationship. The new EU and Indo-Pacific relationship are mutually beneficial. Further, the EU can aid the Indo-Pacific region to become globally competitive. Introduction: When the global economy crashed in 2020, economies such as Vietnam and China grew. A number of Asia’s open societies showed ...
  • What is “global minimum corporate income tax”?
    What is the News? The US Treasury Secretary has urged the world’s 20 advanced nations to move in the direction of adopting a Global minimum corporate income tax. What is the Global minimum corporate income tax? It is a type of corporate tax. Under this, If a company moves some of its operations ...
  • “Freedom of Navigation operation”(FONOP) and the “Exclusive Economic Zone”
    What is the News? The US Seventh Fleet has announced that one of its warships, USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) has carried out a Freedom of Navigation operation(FONOP). The FONOP operation carried out approximately 130 nautical miles west of Lakshadweep Islands. This is inside India’s exclusive economic zone. But the ...
  • Chinese Threat to Hong Kong’ Democracy
    Synopsis:  The new electoral techniques represent the end of democracy in Hong Kong that was never truly democratic. Background  Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China. Recently the Hong Kong’s Chief Executive and members of its legislature were chosen in an undemocratic way. Adding to that, the Chinese government also ...
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