International Relations : News and Updates
Red Book
Red Book

  • “US India Artificial Intelligence(USIAI) Initiative” launched
    What is the News? Indo-U.S Science and Technology Forum(IUSSTF) launched the US-India Artificial Intelligence(USIAI) Initiative. About US India Artificial Intelligence(USIAI) Initiative: The initiative will serve as a platform for India and the United States(US) to cooperate on Artificial Intelligence(AI). Goals of US India Artificial Intelligence(USIAI) Initiative: Firstly, to strengthen US-India strategic partnership by focusing on ...
  • What is “CAATSA” or Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act?
    What is the News? Ever since India has formally signed up for the S-400 purchase with Russia in 2018, it has been under the threat of US sanctions. Especially under the US’s Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).  About CAATSA: Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act(CAATSA) is a US federal law enacted ...
  • EU unveiled a ‘Digital Green Certificate’
    What is the news? The European Commission has unveiled a “digital green certificate” for the European Union(EU) Citizens. About Digital Green Certificate: Firstly, Digital Green Certificate is a type of vaccine passport. It will be available to the citizens who are Covid-19 vaccinated or tested negative against Covid-19. It is also available to ...
  • Expectations from U.S-China Alaska meet
    Synopsis: The world leaders are looking at the U.S-China Alaska meet as a starting point to restore normalcy between the two countries. Moreover, their relationship reached has its lowest level since the Nixon era. It is primarily due to rising assertiveness and mistrust between the countries.  Background: Recently, the US held meetings ...
  • Relevance of India-Philippines Brahmos Deal
    Synopsis: India’s Brahmos deal with the Philippines is very important. India’s aspiration to become Atma Nirbhar in defense exports and emerge as a key regional security provider in Indo-Pacific will depend on it. Background In March 2021, India and the Philippines signed the “Implementing Arrangement” for the procurement of defense material and ...
  • Measures  to Strengthen India US economic partnership
      Synopsis: Strengthening India-U. S economic partnership will help India to become a $5 trillion economy. Background India and the US have committed to the goal of increasing the bilateral trade in goods and services to $500 billion. Currently, the bilateral trade stands at $146 billion (2019). To achieve this, the Compound annual growth ...
  • “UK’s Post-Brexit Foreign Policy” Focusses on Indo-Pacific
    What is the news? The United Kingdom(UK) has released a document laying out its post-Brexit foreign and defence policy priorities. What are the key features of the Post-Brexit Foreign Policy? Expand Influence in Indo-Pacific: The document calls Indo-Pacific the geopolitical centre of the world. The document says that the UK is planning to expand ...
  • Highlights of the Quad Summit
    Synopsis: The maiden (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue)  Quad Summit witnessed declaration of a joint statement by four leaders along with a common article in the Washington post. It is a step which is expected to yield positive outcomes in the Asian Geopolitics and the Indo Pacific region. Background: The Indian Ocean tsunami of ...
  • Aims and Objectives of “Quad Summit”
    Synopsis: The Quad Summit held recently. This summit was important for all member countries due to various reasons. Introduction The virtual summit brought leaders of the Quadrilateral  Summit Security Dialogue together. The outcomes announced by Quad  Summit leaders include a vaccine initiative and joint working groups to cooperate on critical technology ...
  • Afghan Peace Process and India – Explained, Pointwise
    Introduction The Afghan peace process aims at ending the ongoing civil war between the Taliban and the Afghanistan government. The US administration has proposed a new peace plan to the Afghan government and the Taliban. This Peace Plan might be helpful to curtail violence and bring lasting peace to Afghanistan.  Background of ...
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