International Relations : News and Updates
Red Book
Red Book

  • Appointment of Ambassadors – in US and India
    Synopsis: The US administration needs to make a choice between appointing career diplomats or big contributors for appointing the new ambassadors. In India as well, there is a practice of appointing diverse people as ambassadors. Background:  The US administration under Joe Biden will be appointing new ambassadors as per the spoil system. The ...
  • US President to Remove the Ban on “H-1B Visa”
    What is the News? In 2020 the US President imposed a ban on H-1B visa. The current US President decided to reverse the ban. So he allows a 2020 ban to expire on March 31st. About the 2020 Ban on H1-B skilled workers: In 2020, the previous US President signed an executive order ...
  • US “2020 Human Rights Report” flags curbs on Indian media
    What is the News? The US State Department released the “2020 Human Rights Report” also known as “2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices”. About 2020 Human Rights Report: Firstly, the Human Rights Report is an annual report.  Each year the US State Department submits it to the US Congress. Secondly, the report is ...
  • India and US Agrees to Resolve key Trade Issues
    What is the news? India and the United States have agreed to work constructively to resolve key outstanding trade issues. Further, they also aim to take a comprehensive look at ways to expand the trade relationship. What are the major India-US trade issues? Generalised System of Preferences(GSP): In 2019, the US removed India ...
  • Traffic in “Suez Canal” suspended
    What is the News? A 400 m long “Ever Given vessel” blocked the Suez Canal. The ship blocked the canal due to a lack of visibility created by the bad weather and a sand storm. The officials are still not able to clear the Vessel. So they temporarily suspended the traffic. About ...
  • Cost and Benefits of Adani’s Carmichael Coal Project in Australia
    Synopsis – Adani is making one of the world’s largest new coal investments in the Carmichael coal mine project in Queensland. This article analyzes the Costs and Benefits of the Project. Introduction- New investment in coal will be a major factor if India is not able to meet its commitment against Climate ...
  • Assessment on India’s counter to International criticism
    Synopsis: India needs to address the international criticism of declining democratic values. It will strengthen the world’s largest democracy further. Background Many countries are scrutinising the functioning of Indian democracy due to the alleged diminishing democratic space in India. For example, Recently, annual reports of the United States-based Freedom House and the Sweden-based ...
  • “Gandhi Peace Prize 2020” awarded to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
    What is the news? Gandhi Peace Prize for 2020 has awarded to the Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh. Whereas, the Gandhi Peace Prize for 2019 was awarded to the late Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said Al Said. About Gandhi Peace Prize: Gandhi Peace Prize is an annual award. It was instituted by ...
  • Potential opportunities in better India-Taiwan relations
    Source- The Hindu Syllabus- GS 2 – Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India Synopsis – There are many potential opportunities in developing India-Taiwan relations. But the political will is lacking. Introduction The India-Taiwan relations have improved since the 1990s. India and Taiwan have signed bilateral agreements in the field of agriculture, Custom ...
  • Significance of QUAD leaders’ summit for India
    Synopsis: India’s alignment with QUAD should be in line with India’s principle of Strategic autonomy. In this article, we will analyse the significance of the QUAD leaders’ summit for India. Background Recently, the US and China met at a high-level summit in Alaska. This high-level summit was preceded by the first Leaders’ Summit ...
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