Law Optional Test 3 for UPSC Mains 2017 : Mains Marathon
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Friends, We are releasing the 3rd Law Optional Test, Mains Marathon Optional Initiative.

You will have around 20 quality Questions each week.

By the end of Mains 2017 you will have a good writing practice, if you follow this initiative diligently. Each week of syllabus is designed in such a way that gives you sufficient opportunity to revise and interlink common areas of syllabus. Ask your friends to join, write answers and check each other’s answers. All the best.

Test 3 : Law Mains Marathon

Q1-  Recognition is something more than mere Cognition.Elucidate. [ 12.5 marks]  

Q2-  Pacta Sunt Servanda is only a partial illustration of much wider principles lying at the root of International law. Therefore, it is incorrect to regard this principle as a  basis of distinction between  municipal law and international law.examine. [ 12.5 marks]  

Q3.- State recognition is a declaratory  as well as constitutive act. Comment. [ 12.5 marks]

Q4-  Examine the present day status of international law? What are the challenges to the International law. [ 12.5 marks]

Q5-  Examine the statement that international law is a vanishing point of jurisprudence.

Q6- Briefly discuss the following- [ 12.5 marks]

      A- Right of hot pursuit.

      B-Anglo-norwegian fisheries case and its relevance for determining base line.

Q7- Define Nationality and Statelessness. Why is it important to not to remain statelessness? Is state under any duty to admit aliens? Discuss. [ 12.5 marks]

Q8- Doctrine of mens rea in indian penal code is wholly out of place. Do you agree? Examine.  [ 12.5 marks]

Q9-  Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code is only a rule of evidence. It doesn’t create any substantive offence. Substantiate. [ 12.5 marks]

Q10- There must be common intention not the similar intention for the application of section 34. Examine. [ 12.5 marks]

Q11- What are the essential ingredients of Section 149 ? In a fighting , a person after being wounded retries from the fighting and the death of a person is caused after his retirement. Can he be held liable under section 149? Discuss with relevant case laws. [ 12.5 marks]

Q12-  Conspiracy is not only a form of abatement but also a substantive offence. Substantiate. [ 12.5 marks]

Q13 -Examine the validity of death sentence as being violation of article 14,19 and 21 of the Constitution of of India. Give some examples considered as  rarest of rare cases by supreme  court.  [ 12.5 marks]

Q14- Can there be a necessity that justifies homicide? Discuss and mention relevant provisions in Indian Penal code. [ 12.5 marks]

Q15- Distinguish between pepartion and attempt. Is impossible attempt punishable? Discuss. [ 12.5 marks]

Q16  Discuss the maxim, ignorantia facti doth excusat;ignorantia juris non excusat. [ 12.5 marks]

Q17-  Necssitas vincit legem that is necessity overcomes the law. Examine. Is this recognised and applied in india? [ 12.5 marks]

Q18 – Discuss the liability of A in following- [ 12.5 marks]

        A-  A instigates B to murder C but B refuses to do so.

        B-  B a student was beaten and injured by A,the principal, for showing disrespect to the teacher. On complaint the father prosecuted  A .

Q19- (1)  Right to private defence is preventive not punitive. Examine. [ 12.5 marks  ]

         (2)  Under what conditions the defence of insanity be pleaded on behalf of accused.

Q 20. Trial by media completely overlooks the vital gap between an accused and a convict keeping at stake the golden principles of ‘presumption of innocence until proven guilty’ and ‘guilt beyond reasonable doubt’. In the light of the above statement, critically examine the Impact  of media behaving as public court on fair trial.  [ 12.5 marks]

All Mains Marathon Optional Questions are updated in this page.

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