Oceans Great Dying 2.0: Mass extinction haunts oceans

What is the News? Scientists warn of imminent mass extinction of marine species similar to one that happened 250 million years ago during the Permian Era. What is the Permian Era? The Permian era is a period spanning 298.9 million-252.2 million years ago. This was a time before the dinosaurs ruled the planet. Global ocean… Continue reading Oceans Great Dying 2.0: Mass extinction haunts oceans

Global Biodiversity Framework: What happened in Nairobi?

Contents1 What is the News?2 What is the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework?3 Four goals to achieve under the framework by 20503.1 2030 Action Targets What is the News? The meeting of the Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework failed to achieve as much as was expected. The objective of the meeting was to… Continue reading Global Biodiversity Framework: What happened in Nairobi?

EU Draft Nature Restoration Law: Halving pesticide use, dismantling dams: EU’s ambitious draft law to restore nature

What is the News? The European Commission(EC) has unveiled a draft “Nature Restoration Law” to restore nature and mitigate climate change on the European continent. What is the EU Draft Nature Restoration Law? Aim: To cover at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030 with nature restoration measures, and eventually extend… Continue reading EU Draft Nature Restoration Law: Halving pesticide use, dismantling dams: EU’s ambitious draft law to restore nature

How can you make a westward-flowing river flow east: Activists on Bedti-Varada interlinking

What is the News? Environmental groups in Karnataka have criticized the Bedti-Varada Interlinking Project in Karnataka calling it unscientific and a waste of public money. What is the Bedti-Varda Interlinking Project? The Bedti-Varada project was envisaged in 1992 to supply drinking water. The plan aims to link the Bedti, a river flowing west into the Arabian… Continue reading How can you make a westward-flowing river flow east: Activists on Bedti-Varada interlinking

Biodiversity loss to raise India’s bankruptcy risk 29%

Contents1 What is the News?2 What are Sovereign credit ratings?3 What is the link between Sovereign credit rating and Biodiversity loss?4 How will this impact ordinary people? What is the News? According to a study by British economists, loss of biodiversity will downgrade the Sovereign credit ratings of several countries including India increasing their bankruptcy… Continue reading Biodiversity loss to raise India’s bankruptcy risk 29%

How a noxious aquatic weed was used to make eco-friendly products, generate employment in rural Bengal

What is the News? Earth Trust Organization in West Bengal uses Water Hyacinth stems in preparing the biodegradable paper and other environmentally friendly daily-use products. What is Water Hyacinth? Water hyacinth scientifically known as Eichhornia crassipes Mart. (Pontederiaceae) is an aquatic weed common in water bodies across South Asia including India.  It is not an… Continue reading How a noxious aquatic weed was used to make eco-friendly products, generate employment in rural Bengal

India’s rivers are heating up due to climate change, shows study

Contents1 What is the News?2 About the study3 What are the key findings of the study?4 What is Dissolved Oxygen? What is the News? According to a study, climate change may turn India’s rivers into hostile environments for aquatic life by 2070-2100. About the study The study covered seven Indian basins: Ganga, Narmada, Cauvery, Sabarmati,… Continue reading India’s rivers are heating up due to climate change, shows study

Theri Desert: There is a desert in Tamil Nadu and the dunes are red

Contents1 What is the News?2 What are Theri Deserts?2.1 Characteristics2.2 Mineral Composition3 How did Theri desert form? What is the News? There are a couple of theories regarding the formation of Theri Desert, the most plausible being the role of south west monsoonal winds. What are Theri Deserts? Theri Desert is a small desert situated… Continue reading Theri Desert: There is a desert in Tamil Nadu and the dunes are red

World Mental Health Report: Business as usual for mental health simply will not do: WHO

What is the News? The World Health Organization(WHO) has released the World Mental Health Report. What are the key findings of the World Mental Health Report? Mental Health Issues:  Almost a billion people or one in 8 people worldwide were living with some form of mental health issue in 2019.  For some, this resulted in… Continue reading World Mental Health Report: Business as usual for mental health simply will not do: WHO

Climate frontline: Barents Sea around Svalbard, Franz Josef Land warming 7 times faster than globe, says study

Contents1 What is the News?2 Where is the Barents Sea?3 What is Atlantification?4 What is the impact of warming Arctic ice? What is the News? According to a study, the region around the northern Barents Sea in the Arctic region has been warming two to two-and-a-half times the average warming of the Arctic region and… Continue reading Climate frontline: Barents Sea around Svalbard, Franz Josef Land warming 7 times faster than globe, says study
