India is facing three macroeconomic puzzles

Source: The post India is facing three macroeconomic puzzles has been created, based on the article “Three macro puzzles and policy implications” published in “Business standard” on 20th July 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3- Economy-growth, development, and employment Context: The article discusses three main issues: weak consumption, low employment growth, and low core inflation.… Continue reading India is facing three macroeconomic puzzles

Parametric Insurance

Source: The post parametric insurance has been created, based on the article “The promise of parametric insurance” published in “The Hindu” on 20th July 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3- Disasters management Context: The article discusses the need for parametric insurance to cover losses from extreme weather events. Parametric insurance provides payouts based on predefined… Continue reading Parametric Insurance

The conflicting reports on job creation in India

Source: The post the conflicting reports on job creation in India has been created, based on the article “Living in denial about unemployment” published in “The Hindu” on 20th July 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3- Economy-employment Context: The article discusses the conflicting reports on job creation in India. Prime Minister Modi cites a report… Continue reading The conflicting reports on job creation in India

The Upcoming Union Budget

Source-This post on The Upcoming Union Budget has been created based on the article “Will a changed political landscape affect the budget?” published in “The Indian Express” on 20 July 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-3- Government Budgeting. Context- The article discusses how the upcoming Union Budget must navigate between political pressures and economic challenges. In uncertain… Continue reading The Upcoming Union Budget

Electronics Manufacturing Revolution

Source-This post on Electronics Manufacturing Revolution has been created based on the article “Elevating India’s capital goods for a global electronics revolution” published in “The Hindu” on 20 July 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-3- Effects of Liberalization on the Economy, Changes in Industrial Policy and their Effects on Industrial Growth. Context– India’s electronics production has reached… Continue reading Electronics Manufacturing Revolution

Arguments against Immediate Fed Rate Cut

Source-This post on Arguments against Immediate Fed Rate Cut has been created based on the article “The Fed should not cut interest rates yet” published in “Business Standard” on 20 July 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-3- issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources, Growth, Development and Employment. Context- The article suggests caution for the Federal Reserve… Continue reading Arguments against Immediate Fed Rate Cut

The analysis of FRBM Act in India

Source: This post ‘The analysis of FRBM Act in India’ is created based on the article A call for greater focus on revenue side, published in Business Standard on 19th July 2024. UPSC Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Indian Economy – Fiscal Consolidation in India Context: The article highlights India’s journey of Fiscal Responsibility and… Continue reading The analysis of FRBM Act in India

The issue of agri tax exemption

Source: This post ‘The issue of agri tax exemption’ is created based on the article Tax reforms: India’s agricultural income exemption needs a rejig, published in Indian Express on 19th July 2024. UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3 – Agriculture – Agriculture sector reforms News: Agricultural income is currently exempt from tax, which has become… Continue reading The issue of agri tax exemption

Recent Trends in India’s Trade

Source: The post recent trends in India’s trade has been created, based on the article “Trade tact: More support and greater certainty in trade policy can bolster exports” published in “The Hindu” on 18th July 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3- Economy-mobilisation of resources Context: The article discusses India’s trade figures for June. Exports increased… Continue reading Recent Trends in India’s Trade

Challenges with Current Tree Planting Efforts

Source: The post challenges with current tree planting efforts has been created, based on the article “The issue with tree planting schemes” published in “The Hindu” on 18th July 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3-environment-conservation Context: The article discusses the problems with tree planting programs, highlighting that while they are popular for tackling climate issues,… Continue reading Challenges with Current Tree Planting Efforts
