Alright. The pity party over the Prelims has to end. Someone has to say it. So let me be the fallguy. So, here is the first. The Prelims was tougher than last two years. This is the kind of paper they asked in 2010. They do this every five years. From easy Current based papers… Continue reading Gearing up after the Prelims – Winning the CSE battle + Preparing ahead
Tag: motivation
Inspirational Journey of ForumIAS User Namami Bansal, Rank 17: Motivation and Strategy for UPSC Prelims & Mains
Name: Namami Bansal Roll No: 0950301 Optional Subject: Economics Home town: Rishikesh I prepared for CSE from my hometown. Usually aspirants come to Delhi to prepare for CSE. In my case it was the other way around – I was in Delhi for 5 years (for Eco hons and work with ET), I left job… Continue reading Inspirational Journey of ForumIAS User Namami Bansal, Rank 17: Motivation and Strategy for UPSC Prelims & Mains
Motivation and Strategy: IAS Rank 81 Rajarshi Shah, Jaipur boy, Why he chose IAS?
Four years ago on 30th may, 2013, I ended up on the streets of ORN, DELHI with my friends with the dream and enthusiasm of becoming IAS. I had just graduated from IIT Kanpur in civil engineering and also appeared in 2013 prelims with the hope that I could sail through with the help of… Continue reading Motivation and Strategy: IAS Rank 81 Rajarshi Shah, Jaipur boy, Why he chose IAS?
5 Rules to keep in Mind for Answer Writing for Mains
Dear Friends, We see a lot of enthusiasm in Answer Writing for Mains through the Mains Marathon Initiative. While some of you are writing brilliant answers, I would like to share 5 pointers with you with respect to answer writing practice for Mains through the Mains Marathon. We are sharing these broad pointers with you which we… Continue reading 5 Rules to keep in Mind for Answer Writing for Mains