Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC)

News:Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) has asked the Indian government to take steps to protect Muslim minorities who are facing Islamophobia amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Facts: The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) is the second largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations. Established: 1969 Aim: To work as a collective voice of the Muslim world by safeguarding… Continue reading Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC)

OIC voices ‘concern’, flags impact of CAA

News:The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) has voiced concern over the Citizenship Amendment Act and the verdict in the Ayodhya case. Facts: About Citizenship amendment Act,2019: The Act amends the Citizenship Act,1955 to make illegal migrants who belong to certain religious minorities (Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians) from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, eligible for… Continue reading OIC voices ‘concern’, flags impact of CAA

India slams OIC for naming Special Envoy on Kashmir

Indian government has rejected the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) reference to Jammu and Kashmir in a communiqué adopted at its summit meeting in the Saudi Arabia. The 14th summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was held in Mecca,Saudi Arabia.The OIC had reiterated its support for the legitimate rights of the people of… Continue reading India slams OIC for naming Special Envoy on Kashmir

What did we gain at OIC, asks Congress

The meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has passed two resolutions on Kashmir.It was passed a day after India’s foreign minister’s address at the OIC. The two resolutions,(a)Kashmir issue as the “core dispute” between the India and Pakistan.It also expressed concern at rights violations in “Indian occupied” Kashmir and (b)India-Pakistan “peace process”,were part… Continue reading What did we gain at OIC, asks Congress

At OIC meet, India flays terror funding

Addressing 46th session of foreign ministers meet at Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Abu Dhabi,Indian External Affairs Minister has said that the fight against terrorism is not a confrontation against any religion. However,Pakistan’s foreign minister skipped the meeting over OIC’s refusal to revoke its invitation to India as India has been invited to a… Continue reading At OIC meet, India flays terror funding

OIC outreach hints at reset of ties

India has been invited to a ministerial meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), a powerful block of Muslim nations. This is the first time India has been invited to the OIC after 1969, when then Indian minister was disinvited on arriving at Morocco, after Pakistan’s President protested against Indian participation. Organisation of Islamic… Continue reading OIC outreach hints at reset of ties
