Defining democracy: Biden’s summit is a good context for democracies to remind themselves what the system means

News: USA President hosted the “Summit for Democracy“. There are 100-plus countries that participated in the summit to build a wide-ranging alliance against autocracies. Why China is against this Summit for Democracy? China claimed it does a better job of reflecting “the people’s will”. It also attacked the US dismissal of “forms of democracy” different from… Continue reading Defining democracy: Biden’s summit is a good context for democracies to remind themselves what the system means

“Technology can either save or doom capitalism”

News-Tech firms have a key role in preserving open and democratic society. Most often technology is perceived to be an enabler for democracy.  Do Democracy and capitalism work on similar philosophical foundations?  Although both democracy and capitalism uphold liberty as a core value, they also sometimes show inconsistencies. While capitalism leads to an asymmetric distribution of private property ownership, democracy… Continue reading “Technology can either save or doom capitalism”
