Voting process reforms in India

Source-This post on Voting process reforms in India has been created based on the article “Reforms needed in the voting process” published in “The Hindu” on 16 April 2024. UPSC Syllabus–GS Paper-2-Salient Features of the Representation of People’s Act. Context-The Supreme Court has decided to hear petitions asking for 100% cross-verification of Voter Verifiable Paper… Continue reading Voting process reforms in India

Criminalisation of politics must be curbed

Source: The Indian Express Relevance: This article explains the recent Supreme Court steps to stop the criminalisation of politics. Contents1 Synopsis:2 Introduction3 About the case:4 Suggestions of Election Commission to avoid criminalisation of politics:5 Suggestions by the Supreme Court: Synopsis: While the Supreme Court issued steps to stop the criminalisation of politics. The legislature and political… Continue reading Criminalisation of politics must be curbed
