Why did the Antarctic Larsen C ice shelf break in 2017? NASA has an answer

What is the News? According to a study, the A68 iceberg that split off from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 was likely caused due to ice-shelf dynamics and not climate change. What is the issue? Ice shelves are massive stretches of ice that build up over many thousands of years. Global warming contributes… Continue reading Why did the Antarctic Larsen C ice shelf break in 2017? NASA has an answer

Arctic ice is disappearing: How clouds interact with sea ice change 

What is the news?  The Earth is warming — some parts more rapidly than others. Temperatures in the Arctic, for example, have been rising much faster than the rest of the planet. Experts, for the longest time, have attributed the crisis to how clouds interact with sea ice, essentially frozen seawater. Decades of research have pointed… Continue reading Arctic ice is disappearing: How clouds interact with sea ice change 
