The need for comprehensive measures to protect children from online sexual abuse
Red Book
Red Book

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Source: The post the need for comprehensive measures to protect children from online sexual abuse has been created, based on the article “A blueprint for safeguarding children” published in “The Hindu” on 15th October is 2024

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 2– Governance-mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.

Context: The article discusses the Supreme Court of India’s historic judgment on online child sexual abuse. It expands the definition of crime and mandates strict actions against offenders and social media platforms, aiming to protect children and prevent exploitation globally.

For detailed information on Supreme Court rule about accessing child sexual material read this article here

What was the Supreme Court’s Historic Judgment?

  1. Correction of Madras High Court Ruling: In January 2024, the Madras High Court ruled that watching or downloading child pornography was not a crime. The Supreme Court reversed this decision.
  2. Expanded Definition: The Supreme Court expanded the crime’s scope by making the downloading and storing of Child Sexual Exploitative and Abuse Material (CSEAM) an offense.
  3. Mandate for Social Media Platforms: The judgment mandated strict accountability for social media intermediaries to report CSEAM to law enforcement.
  4. Terminology Shift: It reframed “child pornography” as CSEAM, marking it as a serious crime, not adult entertainment.

For detailed information on Supreme Court’s Verdict on Child Sexual Exploitative and Abuse Material (CSEAM) read this article here

How does CSEAM affect children and families?

CSEAM keeps child abuse images online forever. These images revictimize children and their families, causing ongoing harm. Many children are unaware that their images are being used. This makes it hard to stop their exploitation.

What should be done?

  1. Legal Measures:
  2. Define Cybercrime: Indian laws should clearly define cybercrime and include CSEAM as an organized crime.
  3. Treat AI-generated material as real: AI-generated child sexual abuse material must be treated as equivalent to real child abuse.
  4. Mandate social media reporting: Platforms should report CSEAM to law enforcement in real-time, as ordered by the Supreme Court.
  5. Technical Measures:
  6. Create forensic labs: India should establish domestic forensic labs with advanced technology to handle increased reporting of CSEAM. Currently, international agencies like Interpol flag Indian IP addresses, delaying responses.
  7. National Database of Offenders: Individuals prosecuted for CSEAM should be entered into a national database and barred from jobs involving children.
  8. Global Measures:
  9. International convention: Since CSEAM is a global crime, it needs a global solution. The UN has not addressed emerging crimes like these. An international convention is needed, and financial institutions must help track the money supporting child exploitation networks.
  10. Global database: Establish an international sex offenders’ database to improve law enforcement cooperation globally.

Question for practice:

Discuss the measures needed to address the issue of Child Sexual Exploitative and Abuse Material (CSEAM).

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