[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #22 : TCA Anant Board, Delhi Home State, PSIR Optional,
Red Book
Red Book

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Date of Interview: 6th April, afternoon
Board: TCA Anant
Background: Civil engineering
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Delhi
Hobbies: Reflective writing, Guru dutt movies


  1. Why you decided to join civil services?
  2. Why not engg services? Or have you given engg services also?
  3. Why specific guru dutt?
  4. If you have to recommend me one  Guru dutt movie, what would that be? Other movies?

Member 1

  1. What comes to your mind when you hear civil engg?
  2. Why people have negative perception of PWD?
  3. You are police officer, What will you do if a group of students block road?
  4. What other steps will you take if you know that they have done criminal offence?
  5. As a engg, how will you tackle corruption in govt dept?
  6. What steps govt has taken to tackle private builder in regions of Noida and ncr?

Member 2

  1. What is the meaning of your name?
  2. Which is more important, economic power or military power.
  3. Why North Korea is not powerful despite huge military power?
  4. What are the three areas you want to work on?
  5. Why women empowerment was still not achieved?
  6. What will you do if an influential person harasses women in a locality?
  7. What can be done at level of family (by govt) to achieve women empowerment given family is a personal sphere? What interventions can be made to ensure women equality in level of family.

Member 3

  1. How can we build disaster resilient structure?
  2. New technology in Civil Engineering construction methods?
  3. On what technology Pmay houses build?
  4. What steps government has taken to make sewage treatment plant in cities?

Member 4

  1. You talked about rural development  tell me What are panchayati raj?
  2. what steps govt has taken to empower panchayats in India?
  3. Your take on merging of municipalities in delhi?
  4. What administrative ineffiencies were there?
  5. Is it right to have only one municipality for whole of delhi?

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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