[UPSC Interview 2023] – Transcript #83: Lt. Gen Raj Shukla Sir Board, Haryana Home State

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Date of interview: 29th January 2024 (Afternoon, last second to go)
Board: Lt. Gen Raj Shukla Sir
Home State: Haryana
Daf pointers: Haryana, Work experience, Tea, Duolingo


  1. What are you doing these days?
  2. Which place do you come from?
  3. DPI – we have achieved so much, some years back no one could have thought. Do you think we should be ambitious in our visions?
  4. How have we achieved so much in DPI and what can we do better?
  5. We are leaders in software. But not in AI. Why?
  6. Don’t you think we are lagging in AI? The world is so much ahead. Do you know how many LLMs China has?
  7. What is the use of common framework in digital progress? <I asked for clarification on common framework. Sir mentioned something along the lines of economies of scale. I’m still not sure what this was about>
  8. Compute power.. How will the govt provide? The whole compute is cornered by a few countries.
  9. Trillion dollars kaise leke jaenge digital economy ko?
  10. What about Quantum?
  11. Is quantum related to mathematics?

Member 1

  1. You had a good salary. Why you want to do Civil Services?
  2. What alternatives did you consider? <follow-up question based on my previous answer>
  3. What are some key components of good governance?
  4. Tell me any three foundational values of civil services.
  5. And efficiency? What makes democratic processes efficient? For example, ECI has always been so efficient, now we are so efficient in Disaster Management as well?
  6. Anonymity – with all this social media craze among public officials, where do you stand on this? Maintaining anonymity, etc.
  7. Why do you think anonymity is important?

Member 2

  1. Your city is very close to Delhi. Do you think it has led to some progressiveness in the society there?
  2. You have played Chess and Basketball. These are not very popular in Haryana which is known for producing good wrestlers. Why did you choose these two?
  3. Nuh/Mewat is very backward. What explains this contradiction/disparity in your state?
  4. Should Haryana have its own capital?

Member 3

  1. If you are a senior civil servant in Haryana and a foreign delegation is visiting looking for opportunities to invest. Which areas would you make them visit to attract investment?
  2. Who is your role model?
  3. Why your mother? What about her?
  4. Do you think you have been able to emulate her?

Member 4

  1. Tea – what kinds of tea do you prepare?
  2. How do you decide the menu?
  3. How do you decide your audience/guests?
  4. What do you talk about?
  5. What is Duolingo?
  6. How do you use the language you are learning on the app?
  7. What else would you like us to know that you have not mentioned in DAF?
  8. Tell us more about how you contributed at your firm? <following-up on my previous answer>
  9. What has your Work Experience taught you that can be useful for Civil Services?

Chairperson again –

  1. You said compassion towards the poor and weaker sections. We are giving food-grains to 80 crore people. Do you think it is sensitivity of govt or fiscal imprudence?
  2. Do you think the scheme needs to be rationalised or we should not have the need to give free foodgrains at all?

Assessment of board – Shukla Sir would gauge the direction of my answer within the first few words/sentences of my response, and jump on to the next question – mostly a follow-up or counter argument. Lady member’s expressions were a little confusing/disapproving (some other candidates also had similar experience, may be she was just too tired by the end of the day). M1 and M4 seemed positively invested and were constantly nodding.

Assessment of my performance – Average. Definitely not my best, not the worst either.

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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