[Yojana June 2024 Summary] Forts in India- Explained Pointwise

In the Vast expanse of India’s historical landscape, Forts in India stand as silent sentinels, guarding tales of valour, culture and conquest. These landmarks, scattered across the length and breadth of the country, serve as portals to the past, offering us glimpses into the rich tapestry of our heritage. Table of Content Chapter 1- Forts… Continue reading [Yojana June 2024 Summary] Forts in India- Explained Pointwise

[Kurukshetra May 2024 Summary] Use of Green Technologies in Sustainable Water Management- Explained Pointwise

Sustainable water management is a necessity for our present and future generations. The Sustainable water management is a multi-prolonged strategy that rests on four pillars which are environment, economic, social, and energy and resources. Use of green technologies is necessary for sustainable water management. Table of Content  What are the Green Technologies being used in… Continue reading [Kurukshetra May 2024 Summary] Use of Green Technologies in Sustainable Water Management- Explained Pointwise

[Kurukshetra May 2024 Summary] Green Waste management technologies for rural India-Explained Pointwise

Waste management in rural areas worldwide, particularly in India, is still underdeveloped, resulting in harmful environmental effects because the methods used to handle waste are not adequate compared to the rate of waste generation. With a large portion of the population residing in rural areas, it becomes necessary to empower these communities while addressing environmental… Continue reading [Kurukshetra May 2024 Summary] Green Waste management technologies for rural India-Explained Pointwise

[Kurukshetra May 2024 Summary] Green Technologies- Explained Pointwise

Green technologies are being promoted by various stakeholders to combat the huge impact of green house gas emissions, depletion of natural resources and the continuously increasing global warming levels. All the International conferences and meetings being held for environment sustainability, have placed huge importance and thrust on green technologies. Table of Content What is Green… Continue reading [Kurukshetra May 2024 Summary] Green Technologies- Explained Pointwise

[Yojana May 2024 Summary] Indian Handloom Sector- Opportunities and Challenges- Explained Pointwise

The Indian Handloom sector stands as a testament to the country’s rich heritage and artistic prowess. The Indian handloom sector is the second largest generator of employment in India’s unorganized sector after agriculture. It serves as a vital source of livelihood for over three million artisans across the country. However, the Indian Handloom sector also… Continue reading [Yojana May 2024 Summary] Indian Handloom Sector- Opportunities and Challenges- Explained Pointwise

[Kurukshetra April 2024 Summary] Rural Tourism- Significance and Challenges- Explained Pointwise

Rural tourism in India has gained momentum in recent years as travellers seek authentic rural experiences away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Recently, Central Nodal Agency– Rural Tourism and Rural Homestays (CNA – RT and RH) under the Ministry of Tourism has identified six niche experiences for tourism in rural areas. These… Continue reading [Kurukshetra April 2024 Summary] Rural Tourism- Significance and Challenges- Explained Pointwise

[Yojana April 2024 Summary] Blue Economy- Significance and Challenges- Explained Pointwise

‘Blue Economy’ has been identified as one of the major pillars of economic growth for making a Vikshit Bharat by 2047. Despite its significant potential for the growth of the nation, it also faces several constraints and challenges. Overcoming these challenges will be crucial for the realisation of true potential of this sector. Table of… Continue reading [Yojana April 2024 Summary] Blue Economy- Significance and Challenges- Explained Pointwise

[Kurukshetra March 2024 Summary] Vertical Farming and Hydroponics- Explained Pointwise

Adoption of Advanced farming methods like Vertical Farming and Hydroponics is necessary for sustainable and efficient food production systems to meet the demands of growing population. In India, hydroponics and vertical farming are gaining importance considering the increasing demand for leafy, green vegetables and fruits like strawberries and blueberries. Table of Content What is Vertical… Continue reading [Kurukshetra March 2024 Summary] Vertical Farming and Hydroponics- Explained Pointwise

[Yojana March 2024 Summary] From the ‘Art with intelligence’ TO ‘Artificial intelligence’- Explained Pointwise

We have been evolving from art with remarkable intelligence to artificial intelligence in the creation of new art forms. Art and intelligence have always been bound to each other since ancient times. However, the rise of digital technology has given birth to new art forms, such as digital painting, graphic design, animation, and interactive media.… Continue reading [Yojana March 2024 Summary] From the ‘Art with intelligence’ TO ‘Artificial intelligence’- Explained Pointwise

[Kurukshetra March 2024 Summary] Apiculture- Scope and Opportunities- Explained Pointwise

Apiculture is a widespread and global activity, with millions of beekeepers depending on bees for their livelihoods and well-being. Together with wild pollinators, bees play a major role in maintaining biodiversity, ensuring the survival and reproduction of many plants, supporting forest promoting sustainability and adaptation to climate change, and improving the quantity and quality of… Continue reading [Kurukshetra March 2024 Summary] Apiculture- Scope and Opportunities- Explained Pointwise
