[Yojana October Summary] The Himalayan Floods – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE → Contents1 Introduction2 What are the reasons for an increase in the Himalayan floods?3 What are the challenges in forecasting the Himalayan floods?4 What can be done to mitigate the Himalayan floods? Introduction Rivers originating in the Himalayas are the lifeline for one-fifth of the global population. The two syntaxes of this… Continue reading [Yojana October Summary] The Himalayan Floods – Explained, pointwise

[Yojana October Summary] Light House Projects – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE → Contents1 Introduction2 About PMAY-Urban and the need for a new approach3 What are the Light House Projects and their associated benefits?4 How government is promoting LHPs and other innovative technologies in the housing sector? Introduction On 1 January 2021, the Prime Minister laid the foundation of six Light House Projects (LHPs) in… Continue reading [Yojana October Summary] Light House Projects – Explained, pointwise

[Yojana October Summary] Energy Security: Nuclear Power – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE → Contents1 Introduction2 What is Energy Security and its status in India?3 Status of Nuclear power in India4 About India’s Nuclear power production program5 What is India’s three-stage Nuclear power production programme?5.1 Stage 1: Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs)5.2 Stage 2: Indigenous Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)5.3 Stage 3: Thorium Based Reactors6 India’s… Continue reading [Yojana October Summary] Energy Security: Nuclear Power – Explained, pointwise

[Yojana September summary] Fighting Femicide – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE → Contents1 Introduction2 What is Femicide?2.1 Domestic Violence2.2 Dowry deaths2.3 Sex-selective abortion3 What has been the government’s response against femicide?4 What are some issues/concerns/challenges?5 What steps can be taken to tackle femicide?6 Conclusion Introduction It is estimated that 1/3rd of South Asian women experience violence throughout their lives and violence against women (VAW)… Continue reading [Yojana September summary] Fighting Femicide – Explained, pointwise

[Yojana September Summary] SHG-led Women Empowerment – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE → Contents1 Introduction2 What is a Self-Help Group (SHG)?3 History of SHG-led women empowerment in India4 How is DAY-NRLM contributing towards SHG-led women empowerment?5 What is the institutional structure of SHGs?6 What are the ten principles of the SHG movement?7 What are the four pillars of SHG-led women empowerment?8 What are the issues… Continue reading [Yojana September Summary] SHG-led Women Empowerment – Explained, pointwise

[Yojana August Summary] Reforms in the Civil Services – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE → Contents1 Introduction2 Evolution of Civil services in India3 Classification of Civil Services4 Why do we need the Civil service reforms?5 What are the problems associated with civil services in India?6 What are the recent Civil service reforms carried out by the government?7 What are the required reforms in Civil Services?8 Conclusion… Continue reading [Yojana August Summary] Reforms in the Civil Services – Explained, pointwise

[Yojana August Summary] Indian Bureaucracy – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE→ Contents1 Introduction2 What is the History of the Civil Services in India?3 Early Indians in the Civil Service4 What are the fundamental tenets of Civil Services?5 What is the reason behind the success of Civil Services in India?6 What are the Constitutional provisions that deal with the Civil Services?7 Few examples… Continue reading [Yojana August Summary] Indian Bureaucracy – Explained, pointwise

[Yojana August Summary] Probity in Governance – Explained, pointwise

For 7PM Editorial Archives click HERE ← Contents1 Introduction2 About Ethics3 Probity in governance and Ethics4 Code of conduct/Ethics around the globe5 Code of conduct/Ethics in India to ensure accountability5.1 For legislators5.2 Code of Conduct for the Civil Servants (CCS)5.3 Other legislative and institutional frameworks5.4 Other initiatives6 Issues linked to the probity in governance7 Suggestions to improve probity in… Continue reading [Yojana August Summary] Probity in Governance – Explained, pointwise
