Ao and Sümi Naga communities in Nagaland: Seed preservation and storage among them
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Source: The post is based on the articleAo and Sümi Naga communities in Nagaland: Seed preservation and storage among them” published in “Down To Earth ” on 14th November 2023

Why in the News?

Ao and Sümi Naga communities in Nagaland have long relied on the practice of preserving diverse crop seeds across generations. This traditional knowledge associated with seed storage and preservation has been orally passed from one generation to another and is crucial in cultivation.

Who is the Ao community?

Who are theyTribe from Nagaland
MeaningAoer (meaning “those who came” from across the Dikhu River)
FestivalsMoatsü Festival: Observed in early May after sowing
Tsüngremong Festival: Celebrated right after the harvest
Governance system called asPutu Mende
OccupationSlash and burn agriculture, also known as jhum or shifting cultivation (tekong lu or alu ayimba)
SignificanceAos were the first nagas to embrace Christianity and incorporate Western education

Who is the Sumi Community?

Who are theyTribe from Nagaland 
Religion Ancestral religion was worship of nature. But now most of them are Christians
Recognized as Scheduled Tribe
FestivalsAhuna: It is a traditional post-harvest festival of the Sumis.
Tülüni: It is a festival of great significance for the Sümis.
OccupationSlash and burn agriculture, also known as jhum or shifting cultivation 

UPSC Syllabus: History and Art and Culture in News

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