Kanyashree stipends are no shield against trafficking

Despite being beneficiaries of the kanyashree scheme,the three young women were the victims of human trafficking between 2016-18. Kanyashree is a conditional cash transfer scheme of West Bengal.It is aimed at improving the status and well being of the girl child by incentivising schooling of teenage girls and delaying their marriages until the age of… Continue reading Kanyashree stipends are no shield against trafficking

Penkoottu to follow up Right to Sit campaign

Penkoottu is planning a campaign to ensure that women workers ‘right to sit’ becomes a reality in all shops across the State. They have been in the forefront of the Right to Sit campaign as it was found that employees,mostly women,in many shops, especially textile shops, were not allowed to sit during their working hours.… Continue reading Penkoottu to follow up Right to Sit campaign

Mukti, an alliance to combat bonded labour

Over 60 Non-governmental organisations (NGO) from across Karnataka, has formed an alliance called ‘Mukti’. The alliance seeks to work towards ending bonded labour and human trafficking. Bonded labour is generally described as a type of forced labour occurs when a person is forced to use their physical labour to pay off a debt. According to… Continue reading Mukti, an alliance to combat bonded labour

A memorial to remember Odisha’s witch-hunt victims

State Director General of Police of Odisha, has unveiled a memorial for witch-hunt victims in Keonjhar, Odisha. It is said to be the first of its kind in India. It has a symbolic statue at its centre with the names of all known victims of witch hunting etched on granite stones. The memorial seeks to aware people… Continue reading A memorial to remember Odisha’s witch-hunt victims

Special purpose vehicle to improve infrastructure in Sabarimala

The Kerala state cabinet has decided to set up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for comprehensive development of Sabarimala, Pamba, Nilackal and transit camps for pilgrims under the Sabarimala Master Plan. A special purpose vehicle is an entity which is formed for a single, well-defined and narrow purpose. An SPV can be formed for any… Continue reading Special purpose vehicle to improve infrastructure in Sabarimala

Study food borne diseases cost India $15 billion a year

According to a WHO report titled “The Safe Food Imperative: Accelerating Progress in Low- and Middle-Income Countries”, food borne diseases (FBDs) costs India $15 billion annually. Foodborne diseases encompass a wide spectrum of illnesses and are a growing public health problem worldwide. They are the result of ingestion of foodstuffs contaminated with microorganisms or chemicals. … Continue reading Study food borne diseases cost India $15 billion a year

Spain named world’s healthiest country

The 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index has ranked Spain as the world’s healthiest country, followed by Italy, Iceland and Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Singapore and Norway. These are also the countries with universal healthcare where over 70% of healthcare spending is done by the government.  Cuba (30) is the only country not classified… Continue reading Spain named world’s healthiest country

Action plan for free treatment of hepatitis patients launched

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched the National Action Plan – Viral Hepatitis. Technical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Hepatitis B was also released. The Action Plan provides a strategic framework, based on which National Viral Hepatitis Control Program was framed and launched in 2018. According to the action plan, one… Continue reading Action plan for free treatment of hepatitis patients launched

WHO prescribes ‘aerobics 150’ to stay fit

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has prescribed 150 minutes of weekly physical activity. The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health The WHO has stated that physical inactivity is identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. Physical Inactivity has major implications for the… Continue reading WHO prescribes ‘aerobics 150’ to stay fit

More than 4 lakh children are inhalant addicts: survey

According to a recent study by National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC), AIIMS, Delhi, 5.7 crore people in India suffer from alcohol dependence. Alcohol abuse is particularly very high in Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Arunachal Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Odisha registered maximum cannabis dependence. Opioid addiction was highest in Uttar Pradesh,… Continue reading More than 4 lakh children are inhalant addicts: survey
