UPSC Mains General Studies Test Series (Target UPSC CSM-2017)
Topic : Indian Society & Geography
Here is the 4th Mains Marathon General Studies Test.
Topic for Today: (17th August, 2017)
Indian Society (Role of women and women’s organization, Population, Urbanisation, Globalisation and related issues, Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism)
Geography – All Topics (Important Geophysical Phenomena, factors responsible for the location , salient Features of physical geography)
Read the following questions and answer them by clicking on the links in not more than 200 words
Kindly review each others answers.
Q4. Paleochannels are in news. What are paleochannels? What is their significance? Elucidate.
Q5. Account for the presence of volcanic rock segments and marine sediments in Northern Himalayas.
Q6. How are tropical and temperate cyclones formed? Also bring out other differences between them.
Download Mains Marathon Free GS Mock Tests Plan Here
(24 Sectional Tests, 12 Essay Tests and 4 Full-length Tests)
Next Test: (20th August, 2017)
Polity & Constitution
(Separation of powers, Comparison, Parliament and State Legislatures, Government policies and interventions, Representation of people’s Act, Development processes and the development industry, Governance related issues)
We request all the aspirants to participate actively in this Initiative.
The tests are designed in such a way that students would be able to complete the GS Mains syllabus on time and have ample answer writing practice before CSM-2017.
Note from our side:
- Try to cover the syllabus as we move ahead as per the plan. Topic listing of the tests is there in the plan.
- You have to supplement the Mains Marathon Free GS Test Series with Daily Mains Marathon Answer Writing Practice.
More about the Mains Marathon Test Series:
- We will be posting the Mains Marathon Tests around 5 PM.
- There would be 24 Sectional Tests, 12 Essay Tests and 4 Full-length Tests.
- Each Sectional Test will have 7 Questions.
- You are expected to spend not more than 10 minutes on each question.
- In essence, the exercise, even when done at a slow pace, should help you do a meaningful Answer Writing Practice.
- We will try to keep all questions meaningful and relevant to the examination.
How to get updated when questions are posted?
You must be subscribed to this blog via wordpress. Click here to subscribe to this blog.
- You should review at least 3-5 Answers for every question that you write.
- Ask others to review your answers.
Did you like our new Initiative? Any suggestions? Do let us know.
To know more about the GS Test Series : Click Here
To Download the GS Test Series Plan : Click Here
(All Mains Marathon followers, do participate in the Free Mains Marathon GS Test Series actively and make the Initiative a success. Post answers and review others answers).
All Mains Marathon GS Tests are updated here.
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