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News: Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change informed Lok Sabha about National Afforestation Programme.
About National Afforestation Programme (2000):
Aim: Sustainable development and management of forest resources
- Ecological restoration of degraded forests
- Improve livelihoods of the forest-fringe communities
Implementation: It is implemented by three tier institutional setup through
- State Forest Development Agency (SFDA) at the state level,
- Forest Development Agency (FDA) at the forest division level
- Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs) at village level.
Additional Information:
1. National Forest Policy, 1988: It aims to maintain 33% of total geographical area under forest and tree cover to prevent soil erosion, land degradation and maintain ecological balance.
2. National Mission for a Green India (GIM), 2015: It is one of the eight missions launched under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). It targets increasing the forest and tree cover by 5 million ha, and increasing the quality of the existing forest and tree cover in another 5 million ha of forest/ non forest lands in 10 years.
3. National Green Highways Mission, 2016: It aims to provide a green canopy along 100,000km of highways.
4. Nagar Van-udyan Yojana, 2015: It aims to create “city forest” in each City with Municipal Council.