Rapid Population Growth of India
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Rapid Population Growth of India

Source: The post situation of India’s population has been created, based on the article “Population priorities” published in “ The Hindu ” on 3rd February 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper1- Society-population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanisation, their problems and their remedies.

News: Rapid Population Growth of India, The article talks about a new committee being formed to address issues caused by India’s rapid population growth and demographic changes. It also highlights the need for this committee to focus on related challenges, such as job creation and social security.

What is The Current Situation of India’s Population?

The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in India has decreased to 2.

Some states like Bihar (2.98), Meghalaya (2.91), Uttar Pradesh (2.35), Jharkhand (2.26), and Manipur (2.17) have TFRs above 2.1.

The TFR has fallen from 5.7 in 1950 to 2 in 2020, showing significant reduction.

Southern States’ population share decreased from 26% in 1951 to 21% in 2011, due to rapid TFR reduction.

This decrease in TFR is linked to better socio-economic outcomes and education in these regions.

What are The Challenges of Population Changes?

Aging and Urbanization: The demographic shift and rising life expectancy in India are leading to new challenges in managing an aging population and rapid urbanization.

Employment and Productivity: With high unemployment and slow creation of non-farm jobs, there’s a risk of not fully capitalizing on the demographic dividend.

Social Security: Adequate social security is crucial for the aging workforce, ensuring support in later years.

Avoiding Distractions: The committee should focus on these demographic challenges rather than getting sidetracked by issues of religion and immigration, as suggested by the ruling party.

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What Should be Done?

Form a Focused Committee: Establish a high-powered committee to address issues arising from population growth and demographic changes.

Job Creation and Social Security: The committee should focus on creating jobs and improving social security, crucial for the working-age population.

Avoid Distracting Issues: The committee must avoid getting sidetracked by the ruling party’s focus on religion and immigration, and instead concentrate on the actual demographic challenges.

Utilize the Demographic Dividend: Address the challenges to effectively harness the demographic dividend, such as high unemployment and the need for skilled job opportunities.

Question for practice:

Evaluate the impact of decreasing Total Fertility Rate (TFR) on India’s demographic changes and the associated challenges associated with it.

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