Govt. curbs funding for 10 climate change, child labour NGOs

What is the news? Recently the government curbed the funding for a group of ten American, Australian and European NGOs dealing with environmental, climate change and child labour issues. A similar incident also happened in the past when the government restricted Greenpeace (The International NGO) from receiving foreign funds. What were the instructions given by… Continue reading Govt. curbs funding for 10 climate change, child labour NGOs

Women self-help groups: Funding alone does not work; the government needs to listen in

Synopsis: Women-run SHGs form the backbone of our country. In order to help them to sustain for a long period, government needs to frame proper policy and provide ecosystem to the SHGs other than providing funding to them. As a whole, institutional support is needed to fully exploit their potential.  Contents1 Introduction 2 How SHGs sustained during COVID-19 pandemic? 3 What… Continue reading Women self-help groups: Funding alone does not work; the government needs to listen in
